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New member
Jun 29, 2012
Adelaide South
1 galah, 4 cockatiels, 2 housed lorikeets, 13 released and returned free range lorikeets. A myriad of visiting honey eaters, red wattle birds etc...
Hi, I have the pleasure of living with 2 rainbow lorikeets, 2 cockatiels and a galah. The lorikeets can't. Fly ( one semi trimmed and one a fauna rescue who has a damaged wing. The trimmed lorikeets is almost four and was found at about a week old. She spends a lot of time outside gardening with me and In the last year has grown some independence and goes outside often when we are home to play in her cupboard ( she took ownership - as they do.) We also released ten lorikeets a few months ago. They were mainly from fauna rescue and others we had rescued. We only expectd seven to fly. Conditions were perfect - there were two other large flocks around, one who had escaped months before had. One back and there were native flowers every where. The flocks left and our flock staurd behind. They live in and around the aviary - come for food at least twice a day and some sleep in the aviary each night. They have brought friends for meals and if I am late with their food they call me, come to the back door and hang off it and
And on us as we are coming out the door. Last week I had eight lorikeets hanging onto my hands, head and food container while I was trying to hand out food. Some even still give me little kisses. My home life is amazing. Just wish I could retire and spend every day with them (18 years to go ;)
Welcome to the forums im glad you rescued one of them and its nice to know that you care about these animals if you ever need any help with them we are here to give you the help you need :)
Welcome! Pics of your flock would be awesome, We love birdie pics here. :)
that sounds like an amazing life! I bet a flock of lorikeets makes for one heck of an alarm clock! welcome to the forum, and pics please :D!
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Thanks everyone, I have actually just had several weeks leave and have had some amazing moments with the birds . I will post pics soon as Icant get the hang of posting them via the iPad. Usually twelve lorikeets hang out thebackmost of the day. Swizzle - my original Lorikeet spends most of the day outside when I am home. We were given another Lorikeet six weeks ago. I think it s a little lirikeet. I thought itwasa musk but not so sure now. A lady found her and kept her in a cage in her laundry with cockatiels in a cage next to him (or her). The Lorikeet has a dodgy wing. Dawn gave it to me to release with the other lorikeets but that is not possible. So we bought it it's own large cage (which we leave open) as it was trying to takeover the cockatiels. It has a largish inside tree next to the cage which is neutral territory for all the birds and it loves to climb to the top and play. It hides if We are standing up or moving but is okay if we are sitting. I am thinking f starting a bird rescue, taming and rehousing charity -if anyone has ideas or advice I would love to hear from you. Thanks
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I forgot to say - my rainbow Lorikeet IBrought in from the aviary suffered a head injury and died. It was very sad as He had recently tamed to the point that he would jump on me as I walked past and had just started grooming me and giving him kisses. I guess that is why I am a bit reluctant to tame Bo - the little/musklorrikeet too soon. I want to take hi to the vet but I dont want to scare him.meant todo it before I let him loose but a sharpnipcaused me toilet him go too soon!

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