Hello New to the forum


New member
Dec 15, 2012
Hello I figured I'd follow proper etiquette and make my first post in the welcome center.

I have a Mealy amazon that's been with me for about 10 years. He's a good appreciative friend but before we where together he was horribly abused, not neglected twistedly abused. I got him for the small price of 400 dollars and 2500 in vet bills. It's been a challenge, worth it but a challenge.

Mostly I joined here looking for some advice on how to better care for an abused bird, I've been struggling along for 10 years and have made progress but an abused amazon is difficult.

Anyway I've done a little reading around here and it looks like a good group. I hope I can find what I'm looking for.

Welcome to the group. The people here are very knowledgeable and kind. I hope you find the information you are searching for.
Welcome to the forum:)

Have a look through the Amazon section where you will find lots of info. We also have an Amazon group if you would like to join:)

We are happy to answer any questions you may have.
Welcome, I am retired and on a military VA pension, all I do is work with abused or abandoned birds. I have worked with every thing from 3 day old wild birds blown from the nest in tornadoes , a Bald Eagle who lost it's wing in power lines to parolettes and Macaws. I currently stick mosley eith the larger breeds now. First of all let me xpress love and pateince foremost. I have lots of info to help with abused birds. You can gain their love and trust, and much more, it just takes time.
Hey friday, welcome to the forum.Several of us here who deal with older rehomed/rescue amazons. Look though some of the older threads and join right in.Thank you for giving an older zon a new home. They can be a challenge ,but so worth it.

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