Hello. New Red Front Macaw owner.


New member
Jan 30, 2014
League City TX
Radio Front Macaw
Hello everyone. My name is Ray. I am new nd got my first macaw yesterday. She is a 6 month old Red Front Macaw named Ruby. She doesn't yet trust me but I know that makes time. I look forward to getting to know my fellow Avian owners and learning from the more experienced people. I will post pics one I figure out how to on my phone. Lol.
Hello Ray, welcome to the form. I also have a RFM named Valentino. He came from Wendy Craig in Texas at almost 4 months old. I really enjoy Valentino. He has some habits that I am not fond of but in the end I really love my companion. He started talking at 5 months of age and has not stopped. He learns new phrases and words pretty quickly and is a master mechanic. He can figure out African grey brain foraging toys way too quickly. It is a challenge to supply him with toys that entertain him and make him think.

Valentino first day home right out of his crate. It took him a few days to adjust to his cage because he would not roost I had him sleep in his crate the first 4 mights. He seemed to adjust to us pretty quickly. More quickly than adjusting to his cage.

Here is my favorite pic of Valentino

Would love to know more about Ruby. Valentino will be two years in August. I don't regret getting my RFM. There are days he can be a real challenge but I would never part with him now.
Welcome to the forum!!! Congrats on your new baby!!!! ;)

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