Hello! New CAG owner. Cage?


New member
Jun 7, 2011
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Cheney, a Congo African Grey
Hi! I just put a deposit on a lovely Grey born March 10th. My husband gets to pick names and I get to pick the pet, so the birdie will be called Cheney. Looong story,lol.

Anywho, I am a bit nervous. Cheney will be coming home sometime in the next 2-3 weeks when fully weaned. My breeder seems awesome, but there is just so much to know! Its my first large bird. I have only had Cockatiels and Parakeets and Finches in the past as a kid and young adult.

My husband and I are shopping for cages. Any suggestions as to what to look for? Best brands, sizes for a Grey, things to look out for from a safety standpoint?

I have 3 dogs and a cat, so Cheney will only be allowed out of the cage under close supervision and I fear an escape the most since these birsd are so smart and can probably figure out how to work latches after watching the people do it enough.

Thanks so much for the help and advice in advance :)
I tend to buy the larges cage in my budget if he will spend a lot of time in the cage (I hope not) then get an even larger one that you can put a ton of toys in. 8003628 AE Playtop African Grey Cages on eBay! I like the play top ones

You just need to train your cat and dogs not to mess with the bird IMO birds should be let out of the cage if they want all day they really like to be out and playing. They have cages that take multi steps to get open so that should be ok.
I would suggest looking at used cages on your local buy sell or craigslist. You can get some great deals. I purchased a $1000 cage for $200 that was used but still very functional. My CAG is in a 3 foot by 2 foot by 4 foot cage with a play bar on the top. The spacing is one inch.

Dolly loves this cage, there is lots of room for toys, a nice big door and 3 places for dishes.

The only thing I don't like is the grate for the tray, some people like that the birds cannot get at their fallen food or droppings but I have found that dolly loves to scavange and since I clean the cage several times a day the poo is not a big deal. I put paper on top of the bars so that she can go and scavange her food after she dumps it from her dish.

Now your new bird will be very young, so you may need to start smaller and work up to larger spaces, not sure, but your breeder should be able to help you with the process.

You and your new bird will be fine, take it one step at a time, with love and respect you will have a great companion for many years.

My boys, a Basset Hound named Owen and an American Bulldog named Ike, won't bother a bird. They just sniff and walk away to go do something else. Usually sleep or eat. My American Pit Bull Terrier, a female named Rita, is a bit more prey driven and it has taken us over a year to get her used to the cat and teach her not to chase him. She tries real hard, but she isn't the brightest dog ever whelped. Luckily, they cat is pretty lazy and has no interest in prey at all. A mouse could walk up and smack him in the nose and he won't even blink.

I am home all day, so there will be plenty of time out of the cage with me there to supervise. I just don't want an escape when I am busy or sleeping or away from home.

I have seen some really large cages online used, but I am not sure about getting one. I heard you can scrub them down, spray them w bleach, rinse, leave them outside in the sun for a few hours and it is safe to use.

My breeder said not to go too big because they see the cage as theirs and want to guard it. Guarding a large cage can stress them, she said. Also don't want to go too small. Finding a cage with the features I want, int he color and style that works for our home and that is a good size is presenting a challenge.
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Yes you can disinfect a used cage no problem and birds dont always protect their cages. I see that more with birds who dont get out much and become cage bound. Some cages you can get have things where you have to use two hands to get them open and you can get things like locks and such to prevent. You sound like you will be fine. Your going to love having a AG
Thaks, MaiTai. I can't wait! I have wanted an AG forever and now the time is just creeeeeping by until Cheney can come home. The breeder said about 2-3 weeks from last Saturday.
It will be the slowest 2 or 3 weeks for you. They are such wonderful birds. Love every one of them.
I really like the marvelous pet supplies cages. Available from petco.com with free shipping.
I found this on CL today. I'm having my husband go look at it when he gets off work. The seller said he had finches in it and he sold them a year ago. He said there were no ill birds kept in the cage. Also said the cage has no rust and is in excellent condition. If anyone else on the forum is from my area, I called dibs! :)

Bird Cage Large with Attachments
My Grey is in a King's Cage model 207 and I wouldn't be unhappy if she had something a little larger. I definitely wouldnt' go smaller. She sometimes startles pretty easily and a smaller cage would be scary if she were flapping about.

I'm very partial to King's Cages but they can be kinda pricy - see if you can find the on ebay or craigslist. Avian Adventures are also very good cages and much less expensive. You can order them through Petsmart (I think, or Petco) and get the delivered straight to your door.

You're going to have soooooooo much fun.

BTW - Bassets are just about my favorite dogs, I'd love to see a pic of yours.
That's a nice looking cage mjjean! :)
BTW - Bassets are just about my favorite dogs, I'd love to see a pic of yours.

This is Owen. He turned 1 on the 31st of May

And since I am a fair mommy..

This is Ike, my American Bulldog. He will be 3 in September.

And this is Rita, my American Pit Bull Terrier. She turned 3 yesterday.
Your dogs are too cute!

I bought the cage last night. Its AWESOME! I am going to sterilize it and move it into the house as soon as I have one of the kids or hubby home to help me move it.

I also finally got the pics we took at the breeders of Cheney to upload. I'll post them in another thread.
That cage looked like aj good deal! I just couldn't bring myself to drop that much money on a new cage.
So excited for your family, the video is cute, all the birds look very happy.

Also love the pics of the dogs, I have two pitbulls, a malamute and a 2 cats, and I agree a lot of pitbulls (mine included) really aren't that smart, lol.

I love your dogs! We're actually phasing out of the quadraped business - we currently have 2 dogs and a cat, we used to have 3 dogs but one went to live with my inlaws. But we'll proabably always have a dog.
I have the 3 dogs, a cat and a tortoise right now and then my pretty CAG when she can come home. I like having all the pets. Keeps me company during the day when the kids and husband are gone and at night when they are asleep and I'm awake alone. Plus they are always doing something to make me laugh or say "awwww".

I'm working on being the crazy Dog Lady and the Crazy Bird Lady.

Kara, some jerk State Rep introduced a bill the day before yesterday to ban Pits in the state of MI where I live. I already made my call and sent my email. Then I spent the day calling dog breed registries, weight pull alliances and other dog groups that deal a lot with Pits so they could get it out there that people should contact this guy and their Reps and let them know we don't want a breed ban.

I will literally sell my house and take a loss (bought it before the real estate crash) and move out of state before I will give up my Rita!

The cage was a great deal!! I saw one just like it at the pet store by the house and it was almost $600. I saw it online for between $400 and $500. Its in like new condition and I got it for $125, a couple gallons of gas for the drive to pick it up and some elbow grease to make sure it is sterilized. I love craigslist. Over the years I have gotten some great stuff off that site.

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