Hello, Im an new but not so New


New member
Mar 9, 2014
Upstate New York
Dusty the Dusky Conure
Hello Everyone! My name is Laurie and I am a Veterinary Technician located in upstate New York. I was a member of this Forum a number of years ago. College life brought me away from the forum for a while. I am now putting down roots again in this wonderful community.

Here is a little about myself:
- I have a number of pets ranging from 2 cats (one of which is an amputee), a Dusty Conure, A Bearded Dragon, a Leopard Gecko, A Corn Snake and a Tarantula
- I have been a Licensed Veterinary Technician for almost 4 years now. I LOVE my profession
- I love animals of all kinds although birds are my favorite.
- I love to invent new toys for both my Conure and my cats.

Thank you all for giving me the opportunity to reconnect with all of you.

My old Username was "DustyDusky", but unfortunately I no longer have the email it was under and wasn't able to get into that account :/
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welcome back. we were just looking at a Dusky yesterday at the local Petsmart.
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Before I became a Veterinary Technician I worked at Petsmart for a number of years. I actually purchased Dusty, my Dusky at Petsmart while I worked there. I would go in on my days off to hand feed him, because the staff I worked with at the time didn't know how to and weren't comfortable doing so. It was doing this that Dusty and I formed a bond.
Welcome back! We have two duskies, Gizmo and Niko. They are fun little guys, aren't they?
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I have a Rose Hair Tarantula. Its actually my boyfriends. We had an orange baboon tarantula (orange bitey thing as he would call it) and two Rose Hairs at one time. One Rose hair had gotten into the others enclosure and unfortunately didn't survive the adventure and the OTB was rehomed to a friends who had better set ups than what we had available at the time. So we are down to just the one Rose Hair now.
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I have an OBT. Just one of many in my invert "collection".

Im personally have a fear of spiders and snakes. Imagine what it is like for my to live with my boyfriend who loves them! The second bedroom of our apartment is reserved for his "collection". (it also keeps our cats away from the heat/ basking lamps for the Gecko, Corn snake and Bearded Dragon)

Im happy his collection has decreased a bit in size, although I know he misses his little creatures. We just didnt have the time or space for them :/
I have promised him that if and when we move into a bigger place he can build his collection up again!

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