Hello from Val!


New member
Sep 10, 2013
Hey everyone, hello from my GW Val and me! We're new posters here. She is my second bird. I had adopted a GW, Tori, before Val but she passed. Val is for Valentine. Her Birdday is on Valentin's Day so previous owner(s) picked it out for her. She's 8 years old. I adopted her last spring and am her 3rd home. I live alone in an apartment with her and am in college as a music conservatory student. She is such a joy to live with and is wonderful company. She goes with me everywhere and I also take her to schools and libraries to use her for educational demonstrations.
We can't wait to meet you all and your fids!


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Oh my goodness, how absolutely adorable she is! I'm very sorry to hear about the passing of your other bird :(

Welcome to the forums! Also I must ask, how do you find living in an apartment with your GW? I'll be looking into having my own place soon (I currently rent a basement suite), and I can't imagine the problems I'd get myself into with just my two little birds because of their chatter.
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Oh my goodness, how absolutely adorable she is! I'm very sorry to hear about the passing of your other bird :(

Welcome to the forums! Also I must ask, how do you find living in an apartment with your GW? I'll be looking into having my own place soon (I currently rent a basement suite), and I can't imagine the problems I'd get myself into with just my two little birds because of their chatter.

Thank you about Val and Tori.
Yay congrats on the new place! :eek:
Living in an apartment is perfectly fine for us....Tori and now Val. She lives on a few manzanita tress and a homemade atom....and me. :) She is very quiet though and no one knew I had her until they saw her when I walked outside with her for fly time. Although the big birds are loud, it isn't as frequent or shrill like the little fiddos so that helps majorly.
She used to be very vocal when I first adopted her but I worked with her to not scream for attention. She of course talks and makes other mac sounds but they are soft. I haven't heard a scream in literally months She doesn't even flock call. I did not mean to stop that as it's very natural but she just doesn't do it anymore....Now when I take her home for holidays, my mom, dad, and brother are constantly holding, playing with, and feeding her so she will sometimes scream for their attention from all of the major spoiling! :D

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