Hello from Tyrael and Family


New member
Jun 11, 2011
Villa Rica, GA
Tyrael - Alexandrine
Reptar - White Fronted Amazon Rescue
Hello all!

I just found this forum and am hoping that with your help I can finally figure out why my Tyrael is so un-happy.

Here is the story of how we and Tyrael came to be a family. We had a Sun Conure (Which I loved) that we traded for Tyrael. The Sun Conure loved me, but would attack everyone else in the household as well as got us in trouble with our neighbors due to her being noisy. We purchased Sunny from an older couple that were going to be traveling and they did not let us know that the bird literally hated females, and as there are 2 females in the house, it was not the experience we had hoped for. She would often reach out and draw blood on my gf when she was near.

We went to the flea market about 2 weeks ago and ran upon a bird breeder with all their birds on display, including 3 Alexandrine parrots on top of a cage. My gf went up and was able to pet one (Tyrael) and we just started talking to the breeders about our problems with Sunny.

After a few minutes they started asking questions and as it turns out, they needed a female Sun Conure to breed and Sunny was a perfect fit. So after some tough decision making for myself as I was very attached to Sunny and her to me, I decided that in the best interest of everyone, we would trade for Tyrael.

Now my man card took a major hit the next day when I got teary eyed over missing Sunny, but we were told that Tyrael would bond to everyone and be a quieter and nicer bird that we all could love and bond with. So far, she wants absolutely nothing to do with us, well unless we have a grape lol.

It still bothers me getting rid of Sunny and I miss her terribly, I have called the breeders and they say that she is happy and bonding with her new mate. So I guess I miss her more then she is missing me lol.

I am hoping that when Tyrael starts to bond with us that I won't feel as bad however I am seeing no progress.

Whenever we get near the cage she starts making whining noises and heads to the back of the cage. With a lot of work she can be convinced to step on my hand or finger, not because she wants to spend time with me, but to get the grape she has to step on my hand to reach it. When she does this she will sit there and eat the grape, but as soon as it is gone, she wants either on top of her cage (Large tall cage with a bird stand, toys, and I put her food and water up their for her as well) or back into it. She never seems to want to be around us. What can I do to get her to trust us and is there something we are doing wrong? Please help, I want her to be happy with us but I am beginning to fear the breeders didn't do the transfer to us properly as I have read where potential buyers visit with their parrot prior to adoption and with us, they just handed her over and was done. They keep telling me I have to Force her to spend time with us by picking her up and whatnot but I have read elsewhere that that is a bad thing to do.

Sorry for the long long story and I hope with your help we can make Tyrael a happy parrot.


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