Hello From Snowy MT


New member
Jan 30, 2014
Kila, MT
Yellow Headed Amazon ( Murry)
Jenday Conured (Mango)
Hi My names Melissa, I live in a place called Kila Mt. Northwest of the state. I jest recently adopted two parrots from a bird rescue. First is Mango He is a 2year old Jenday Conure that was surrendered to the rescue for flying and biting(attacking) every one but his favorite person. We are working on every one in our home being his favorite person. Mango is very noisy and is very much loves his attention and petting.
Murry is a yellow headed Amazon that came to the rescue because he was boring and traded him in. His story was he came from a breeder the surrendered him to a pet store and went from home to home passed around till I got him. He is very quit. Does not talk or play. but is learning to trust. I was told when I adopted Murry that he was malting and Later have learned that he is plucking his feathers. He has bold spots on his back and underneath. Im hope with time and love we can make both of our pets happy. thanks for this Forum hoping to learn alot..
Howdy! Glad you joined. It's good of you to adopt the 'less than perfect birds'. How odd that your Yellow Head is so quiet. Give him toys and take your time with him and he'll come out of his shell.
Hello Melissa and welcome! I think it's wonderful that you took in 2 birds who so desperately needed a home.
My yellow crowned amazon, Dexter, is also quiet. He is still trying to learn how to play. It's sad when they don't know how to do that. Hopefully his plucking will resolve itself now that he is in a good, loving home.
I'd love to see pictures of Mango and Murry:)
Welcome to the forum Melissa!!!

It's a wonderful thing your doing by adopting those in need. That's the unfortunate part is some people see them as an item as they should see them as a living being instead. Trading in because they're boring or not pretty is a sad excuse.
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thank you guys so my for the welcoming.. Im so excited to be these Beautiful creations care taker. I have purchased One Day Miracle buy Birdtricks.com. but first I am working on getting these guys off there all seed diet and on to there pellets and jest relaxing in our home and getting use to us. Im sure I am going to have tons of question through out my Journey..lol I will try to post pics asap..

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