Hello from Pittsburgh, PA, USA!


New member
Feb 8, 2015
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
1 crimson-bellied conure; 4 cockatiels; 4 parakeets/budgies
Hi fellow bird lovers!

My flock and I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and I'm realizing I should have joined this forum a long time ago! :) My flock consists of 4 cockatiels (Belo, Willow, Sunny, and Sophie), 4 budgies (Nittany, Hawk, Buttercup, and Ollie), and 1 crimson-bellied conure (Julio). I'm also a bird-toy maker and absolutely love doing it! I look forward to interacting with and learning from all of you!

Flock on!
Hello and Welcome, Davi! Glad you joined us! Interesting flock and adorable names, we'd love to see photos of your babies.
Hi! Welcome to the forum. Pics? :)
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Thank you all for the welcome! I consider myself fairly 'tech-savvy' (humbly so, though) but can't for the life of me figure out how to upload photos to this thread! :) As soon as I figure it out, I'll send pics of my flock! [time lapse!] Ok, I think I figured it out, so here goes! Clock-wise from top left: Willow (male); Ollie (male); Sophie (female); Nittany (male); Belo (male); Buttercup (female); Sunny (female); Hawk (male); and Julio (center picture; male).


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Ohh so cute! Glad you figured it out and thanks for sharing. They are all lovely birdies! I have MBS and i just love your pretty Sophie, i want her! Haha jk.
Hi Davi and welcome!
Your flock is gorgeous! I also have a Crimson Bellied Conure and I love him to pieces:)
I am so glad you joined us and I look forward to hearing more about your flock!
I seriously love the pics!!!! I have been suffering from serious bouts of MBS and your pics made it worse :) Welcome!
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Hi Terry,

I'm glad to hear that you also have a crimson-bellied conure. I've actually been having some questions about how to best help mine (he's been difficult, to say the least!), so I've been searching for some info online. Everything I read about them doesn't seem to match mine (Julio). Of course I love him to death, but it bothers me to see him so stressed out. I've had him for almost a year now. His previous owners (a retired couple) couldn't keep him anymore and I was looking for a conure, so he fit the bill. They did forewarn me that he was very nippy, but I've actually found the nipping to be the easiest of his issues to deal with. I've been working on this issue and he's making a lot of progress (he only draws blood every now and then!). Since getting him, he's been very moody/temperamental and seemingly stressed out (hyper/jittery). Thankfully, he can be a cuddle bug too, but it's hard to know when he's going to swing from one mood to the next. Anyhow, sorry for the long post, but if you know of any particular threads here that may be helpful for me in helping Julio, please let me know.

Thank you so much and your flock looks beautiful (and their names are pretty creative, too!).

Take care,

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