I have grown always having a bird. I was given an umbrella cockatoo when I was home with my young kids. Well that was a big learning experience on both of our parts but in the end we bonded. I returned to work when the kids got older and my Cockatoo lost it. He pulled every feather he could out stop eating and just I was such an idiot I didn't realize it was me. I rehomed him because I wanted him to live and it broke my heart. That was years ago and I haven't had a bird since except chickens. My daughter bought me this little guy from where she worked he was really in bad shape and I said I would try my best. After awhile he started growing his feathers back and showing signs of life. He was so beautiful and I found out he was a Lady Gouilan. He was given to me and my daughter later bought him some friends. Well three chicks later (oops not a male) It was amazing how they all started out green and molted into different colors. Yes I'm hooked, then we just got a parrotlet. I do plan on getting another large parrot again the time is right I'm home all day. I need to fine another lost soul like me. I am rambling but I'm exited to be here I really want to read your posts and having all your experience available to me ..Thank you