Hello from new York city


New member
Sep 5, 2012
Hey guys just joined looking to learn much more about my parrots as well as other tips/tricks I have a severe macaw that's one year old and a goffin cockatoo that's about 4 years old, both are used for my magic show as well as pets,


Enjoy ,Henry
Great stuff, Henry. Welcome. Please tell us about their performances, and the audience reactions.
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Well my macaw max is a flyer so at
The. End of my act he makes his entrance from scarves flys over the heads of the audience and back to me,does some simple tricks like waving hi,spin in circle and hangs like a bat,tiko the cockatoo just made his way into
Showbiz he was adopted from my father who couldn't handle him,tiko dances for the audience and is currently still training on simple tricks ,audience love them,they can't get enuff of them both I have to stay after shows to take pictures with not me but the birds lol
welcome to the forum Henry. You have "working" parrots, LOL, wish some of mine would get a job.
Welcome to the forum, great pics! :)
Welcome to the forums sadly my amazon is to young to get a job unlike henpecks who would just rather hang out all day and attack a drill lol.
Hi! And welcome to the forum...great that your birds earn thier keep! Would love to see your show, where and when do you perform? I'm in Sydney Australia, but am planning a trip to new York June 2013. You're birds are gorgeous :)
Great pics! I want to see a vid too! What's it like having parrots in New York City? We're moving this fall from our house to Brooklyn and are a little nervous about the move to lower square footage, close neighbors, and crowds with our Eclectus! Anything we should know about the NYC+parrot living experience? Ours gets outdoor excursions in his birdie backpack. I'm hoping that will still be possible! Finally, in our search for apartments, if they allow pets they typically specify cats and dogs. Do you know if its hard to find places that allow parrots? Any tips would be appreciated!

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