Hello from Lehigh Valley Pennsylvania!


New member
Apr 1, 2015
:62:Hi all! My name is Julia and together with my husband and a handful of volunteers we run a small sanctuary for special needs parrots. We have 25 avian members in the asylum LOL! 3 male Budgies (The 3 spoogers) - Dude, B.B. & Sprite, 2 Greys (girls) - Magii (CAG) & Voodoo(TAG), 4 'toos - Niki, Buddy, Sugar (U2's), Boohie (M2), 7 Conures - Nero, Sweetpea (GCC's), Kelly (Maroon Belly), Crusso (Sun), Azul, Destiny (BCC's) & Patch (Patagonian), 3 Asiatic species - Kooky (Alex), Mimi (IRN), Peanut (Derbyan), 3 'zons - Buzz (BFA), Sammie (OWA) & Shay-ah (YNA), 2 Macaws -Blue & Shadrach (B&G's), 1 female ekkie - Re-re!:blue1::green::yellow2::orange::white1::greenyellow::blue2::blue2::whiteblue::white1:
Love to see any photos you have of your fids!
Welcome to the forums. :) Glad you joined, and wow, that's an impressive number of special needs parrots! :eek: THANK YOU for what you do!

I, too, would love to see pictures of your flock.
Wow...that's great what you are doing! I'd love to see pics of your flock too!

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