Hello from Jack Rio and Jay


New member
Oct 28, 2015
Mandeville, Louisiana
African Grey, not sure if its T or C
Hello all,
I am new to this site. My AG, Jack, is approximately 2 1/2 years old. I bought him when he was less than a year old from a family who bought him as a hatchling, but the mother developed allergies once his feathers came in. He was difficult at first, biting and screaming.

Over the past 2 years he has become tolerant of me. He talks a blue streak, imitating everything: my dogs, my car horn, the microwave, melodies from my piano, and he has a substantial vocabulary already. He asks for food by saying "more", he says "want a bath" when he wants to be sprayed with the mister, he says "be back soon" every time I leave and "want to go outside" whenever I let the dogs out. He knows both dogs names and scolds my younger adoptee, Coffee, when she misbehaves. Its actually quite funny; Coffee listens! He's even figured out how to ask Alexa (an Amazon Echo....look it up, its pretty cool) to turn the lights on and off. He thinks its the coolest thing ever. He starts music and gets Alexa to say jokes...kinda spooky actually. He is INCREDIBLY intelligent and I know he's trying to teach me, but I seem to be a little thick.

Over the past few weeks, Jack has become much more affectionate. I used say good morning and try to touch him every morning. Actually, I try to touch him as often as possible. He has just recently become affectionate to my touches. He now says good morning and bows his head to be scratched. I almost fell over. Now he climbs on my hand as soon as I say 'up' and ladders on his own. He has started whimpering and squeaking when I pet him, and seems like he's attempting to regurgitate. His feet feel a bit warm, but I've noticed that before. His feathers are perfect, so there's no nervous preening.

I never keep his cage closed. He has freedom to move about his cage and I have a stand on wheels that I move throughout the house for him to stand on. I don't have his wings clipped and he flies about the house. I know that will arouse the ire of many of you, but as I have dogs (who get along with him swimmingly, by the way) I want him to be able to get out of danger if any arises. The puppy stays in a kennel when I'm not home, and I've caught my older hound laying down on the floor with Jack right in front of him just chattering away. I get visions of Animal Farm when that happens. I wonder what he's telling her? He also flies from his cage to his stand, and sometimes just a loop around the house for a little exercise. His vocalizations seem to be cheerful and happy. He only screams when I'm on the phone, and then laughs when I hang up.

Can I attribute his recent affection to 2 year hormone changes? Is his whimpering and laddering normal? Should I be concerned about him being warm (fever wise not environmental)? I have not been able to find ANY treat that he really likes; and believe me, I've tried everything from meat to vegetables to fruit to cooked foods and starches. I've tried seeds and cereals, nuts and berries but nothing. Because of this, I have no stimulus for training. I believe that he is at a perfect time to start some serious training, but I have nothing to offer him. I bought him a stand for the shower, but that much water scares him.

Jack is not a pet, he's become my best friend. I talk to him like a roommate and consider his presence a privilege...I don't feel like I own him.

Sorry this was so long! Thanks for your time.
Jay and Jack.
Welcome to the forum! Jack Rio seems like an amazing bird and I can't wait to hear more Jack stories! I wish I knew more about AG's to answer some of your questions but I'm sure others will jump in soon. I'm super curious about Alexa/Amazon Echo, it sounds to me that it's great for stimulation/intelligence. (My husband will love this! I can't wait to let him read this post when he gets home.)
I hope I can train our puppy to be gentile enough around the birds (we have a little sheltie)

Anyway, welcome and I really hope to read more about Jack Rio soon.
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The echo is very cool, but be careful. Jack doesn't understand that 3 in the morning isn't time for lights and music. it was funny at first, but now I have to put Alexa on mute when I go to bed....and Jack imitates the alarm PERFECTLY, so i hear it, get up, start coffee, and realize its not even close to time to get up. Jack bobs up and down and giggles. Can't help but love him. Dharma on the other hand, (my coon hound) just sighs and rolls her eyes like "when are you going to learn, Daddy. She's messing with you."
Welcome to the forums! I do hope you stick around, there's always so much to learn here. Jack sounds like a smart little guy! As for the flying, I think you'll find this forum is very accepting towards both the clipped and unclipped. After all, what's right for one bird in one household may not be right for another. I can't help much with your other concerns/questions but there are SO many helpful members to talk to here, I'm sure you can find what you're looking for.

On another note, we want pictures of Jack! ;)

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