Hello from Indiana!


New member
Jan 19, 2014
Hello everyone! My name is Kayla (or Kay) and after thinking it over I finally joined a forum based on birds. I'm Dog Bather (and aspiring Groomer) from Indiana. I love animals, always have since I was young, and have known since I can remember that I wanted to dedicate my life to them. I started out wanting to become a Vet and so was a Biology Major for a few years, it didn't work out so I aimed for Vet Tech and in the time leading up to start school again decided I would rather become a Dog Groomer instead. I'm very into my hobbies and have many, my biggest being spending time with animals whether it be agility with my Australian Shepherd, Bike Riding with my American Bully, Horse back riding, or just lounging at home. Along with Animals I also enjoy Drawing and Video Games as well. I love genetics and have always had a fascination with breeding (specifically dogs but any animal genetics is interesting) and would love to breed dogs in the future. I really just want to live a simple life with my animals, a few acres to have horses, some dogs, and a career involving animals that also allows flexibility to care for my own.

Now as much as I love horses and dogs I also am fascinated with birds, specifically macaws. For literally years now I've wanted a macaw. I've done research off and on trying to learn all I can. I understand the huge responsibility, work, and time a macaw would need. The major downside is I have no personal experience caring for birds BUT am thinking of getting a 'beginner' bird and would like to get in contact with a local breeder so I can interact with macaws and learn. I still will not get one for a few years but you can never research too early. I would really like a Blue & Gold and maybe one day a Hyacinth though some of the hybrids also catch my eye (but I feel like they are primarily bred on color which I'm very against, I want good health and temperament over anything). What I want to know is what advise would you give someone who is looking into getting a macaw (a responsible person of course, I'm not impulsive)? What should I do to prepare? What books do you recommend? I've heard 'The Large Macaws' is a good book but it's 20 years old? Any help is appreciated as I have so many questions! LOL

I hope to learn a lot from everyone here and get to know some other macaw fanciers. :blue:
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Thanks guys! There's so much to look at here! Is there a thread on the basics or for newbie macaw or bird owners?

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