hello from IL


New member
Dec 30, 2013
I would like to first introduce myself, although, new to this forum, I am the proud owner of two female Goffins.
My first bird, E-E, i adopted from a previous owner who told me she lost all her feathers at once..(I was an il-informed newby).
Fortunately, I learned very quickly that she has major plucking issues, despite my best efforts to help her, that's just the way she is, but makes up for it with an awesome personality.
My second Goffins, Luna, whom I've had about two years, is in full feather and personality to match..
I am always eager to learn more and share my experiences to help others in the same boat.:white1: I am excited to have the opportunity to get to know all of you.
Welcome! I too live in IL and new to the forum.

Do you have pictures of your babies?
Hello and welcome! Looking forward to seeing pictures of your 'toos!
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Thank you for such a great welcome...please excuse my tech-tardidness..Haha...trying to post some pictures of my girls, not having much luck, I'll hopefully figure it out sooner or later....
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This is Luna fixing my hair...or trying to..


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Welcome to the forum!!! Luna is very cute!!! :)
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This is my plucker, E-E...she is such a cuddled..


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Awwwww....E-E is still a cutey! I would be real careful with ropes that have come unwrapped like that. I had birds get themselves tangled in a mess with strings loosen like that.
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Thank u for all your happy thoughts and helping us feel welcome....greatly appreciated...
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Thank you Mikey TN for your advise..I did take that rope down because while tearing the rope apart, she was plucking herself worse than usual...go figure..
E-E and Luna are both beautiful:)
Two IL recruits in one day! Welcome! Everyone here is very nice. Turns out another member here lives down the road from me and (we're in Chicago) we've become friends. If you're ever in the neighborhood lets get lunch!
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Hey!! I'm originally from the sw burbs....small world..my brother is still a city-slicker with no kids, so he's "All city" I now live in NW IL, for the past 20 yrs. But I love it out here. I'm about 3hrs. From Chicago, I do have to mention, we still can't find "Gonella" Italian bread! Small price to pay, but I do miss the food!! Lol!!
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I would like to ask everyone about a general too question... Luna and E-E do not get along like I had hoped. E-E is terrified of her which causes me to allow one out at a time. I got Luna from a previous owner as well, but her previous owner did too much back scratching, which gave her the wrong idea about her role in this situation. She now bullys E-E like she's a rival mate. Any way to correct this? I've never pet her down her back since I got her two years ago...Any advise would be great..THx in advance..

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