Hello From Elaine and Oscar


New member
Jun 28, 2012
Hi my name is Elaine and I am a 32 year old young lady. I have just adopted a two year old B+G Macaw. I'm abit nervous but I hope we bond together. Any advice is wellcome. When I get him out of the cage he simply will not go back in.

when I got him his cage was in BAD condition his door was padlocked with a chain and the screws were missing you know the nuts and bolts from some parts of the cage and the bottom OMG it was FULL with uneaten food mouldy poos etc. It was DISGUSTING

Any advice on bonding with him would be wellcome as I would love to bond with him.:green2:
Hello Elaine and welcome to you and Oscar :)

We have many Macaw owners on the forum, which I am sure will come along shortly to give you some great advice :)

We are owned by a 2 year old B&G!!

Only kidding. Although a challenge, our B&G, Mac, is awesome.

Keeps us entertained, keeps us busy but is always a hoot!!

You will find friendly folks here and a wealth of knowledge!!
Hello and Welcome. I'm so glad he is out that BAD cage and being loved. I don't have any advice regarding a B&G, sorry.. I am hoping to add one to my family at the end of the year, so I might be coming asking you for advice then. ;)
We can go out of our house at any time. Our birds' playstand is a cage top with a door they can open. Greybeard goes in it for maybe an hour rarely. Their night cage is open also. We put them on it in the spare bathroom, and after they settle down inside, we cover them. Chewbaca has been up and out almost an hour, and Greybeard is still sleeping.

save special treats/food for when you want him to go back in the cage~~i also use the phrase "time to go in" and a hand gesture. We found out accidentally one night when we lost power that when the lights go out he goes in, so if its night time you could try turning off the lights
All parrots will appreciate a clean environment and a daily regiment of feeding and sleep. A good routine that fits both your work and social activities. Your daily one on one time with Oscar will make a bond. Lots of love and patience will get the job done. Your a very lucky person to have Oscar in your live.

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