Hello everyone!


New member
Nov 3, 2015
Hi everyone!

Here is my long intro :)

I was a cocktail breeder when I was in high school but never hand reared a baby.

I visited this forum a few months ago to look for advice on hand rearing baby cockatiels. I purchased two, 3 or 4 week old cockatiels from a breeder.

All the advice I read was give it back it is to hard etc. I googled a bit and saw that they said the first two days are like wresting a crocodile. Wonderful..... I decided to try, because really a crocodile?! How hard can it be? The first night I struggled for 2 hours to get food into their mouths. If the food gets to cold you have to make a new batch, no reheating. The next morning was a bit better but still took me close to a hour. It took two days for them to accept the food from me and eat like baby birds :) Fast forward a few months and both of them are now weaned and happy healthy birds :)

I really love birds and in a few years time might try hand rearing an African grey or some similar type of bird. :)

Looking forward to learning a lot from you guys! :)
Welcome to the forums! I'm glad your cockatiels are doing so well! We'd like to see picks of your little sweethearts.
Hello and welcome! I'd also love to see pictures of your babies:)

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