Hello Everyone!


New member
Mar 13, 2014
Orem, Utah
Green-Cheeked Conure
My name is Devin, I am a full-time student and I enjoy hiking, reading, and playing pretty much all sports. My wife and I just brought home an 8 week old green cheek and I thought it would be a good idea to join a forum. Im excited to learn from all of you more seasoned bird owners!
Hello Devin and welcome!
Did you name you new baby yet?
I'd love to see pictures when you have time:)
Welcome to the group!! What is your GCC's name? And what type of green cheek? We have two in our home (really my daughter's birds), but they are awesome little guys. I give them credit for converting me to a bird person :) From not seeing why anyone would want a pet bird to being a slave to a bare eyed too and a tiny little budgie noise maker. But them being here is all due to me falling for green cheeks!!!

Welcome to the forum, we look forward to hearing more about your baby!! Pics when you can, we all love to see photos!
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Oh yeah! His name is Echo :) I only have some snapshots of him so far, we have only had him for 2 days but hopefully ill be able to take some better pictures of him soon


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Echo is adorable! How is he settling in?
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He is a pineapple, he's settling in okay. He has been a little noisy, he screeches at us when we're around the cage or walking by. He still likes to come out of his cage and be around me, he even cuddles on my shirt and falls asleep, but he just screeches up until the moment he falls asleep. If we're in another room or far enough away from the cage he seems calm but if I get closer than 6 ft to his cage he starts screeching. I'm not sure what it means, i'm thinking it could just be the adjustment or maybe I should move the cage out of the living room and into a less active area?
Hello! Your little acrobat is screeching because it's not natural for a young bird to be alone. Well, no bird likes to be alone, and you have to teach them to be independent. Those little ones can be loud, can't they?
Welcome Devin & Echo to the forum. Its a great place with lots of great people. You will enjoy. I have a crimson bellied conure. They are so delightful little birds. Good luck and keep the pictures coming.
Welcome to the forum! Echo is an adorable little guy:) He's screeching because- A. He's not fully acclimated to your home B. He hasn't been taught yet how to communicate his needs through lower-volume means and C. He is still a very young bird, and that's what babies do (yes, even feathery ones).

If you feel he is frightened or overstimulated, keep his cage half-covered or provide a little fabric hut or tent to hide in (Parrot Happy Hut Pet Cozzy Cage Snuggle Tent Bunk Hammock Bird Toy Craft Cages | eBay something like this, or you can make one if your or your wife are any good at sewing) so he feels safe and secure. However, he is going to need to get used to your family, and parrots should NEVER be in a "low traffic" area of a home. They are flock animals, and need to be around their human "flock" as much and as often as possible. Since he is a very new bird, it would probably be advisable to start acclimating him to you and your wife (and any other family members who will be interacting with him daily) ASAP. Remember, parrots are prey animals, and even hand raised babies still have that "instinct" that you could be a predator who wants to eat them. You have to earn and build trust. A good way to start is by pulling up a chair next to his cage and reading in a soft tone of voice to him every day, and offering treats and/or praise when he comes closer to you. You also want to start curbing the screaming right now. The best way to do that is to ignore him when he screams (just turn your back if you're in the room and walk away or don't go into the room). You also want to praise him heavily/give him treats when he makes a nice noise you would like him to make in the future. Yes, you will have to deal with the screeching until he learns that more appropriate noises get him the attention he wants, but most birds pick up the hint within a few months of CONSISTENT ignoring bad behavior/rewarding good. And they all occasionally get a bug up their butt every so often and launch into a screaming tirade, but for the most part, they can be trained to be overall much quieter than they are naturally. I also believe (and some will disagree) that unless you WANT a loud bird, you shouldn't play excessively loud music or be excessively loud yourselves around your bird. They do pick up on ambient noise levels in their environment, and if they live in a extremely loud home, they're going to try and match that noise level. If they live in a calmer, quieter home, they will be calmer and more quiet. Our bird is normally a very quiet boy who makes nice noises to communicate his needs, but the rare occasion we play really loud music, he definitely tries to match and surpass it. Anyways, best of luck with your new boy, and don't be shy about asking questions. You can get some great advice on here :D
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Thanks for the advice! We have definitely been trying to ignore the screeches.

He seems to only make noise when we are around his cage or handling him, so hopefully it dies down as he gets more comfortable and gains trust.
Since he screeches when I enter the room, I have tried to reward him if he quiets down by leaving the room, to teach him that if he relaxes, I leave and he will be safe, but he starts screeching when he sees anyone move, even if they're moving farther away, so its hard to make it clear to him that calm=scary human leaves. But I'll keep trying, my goal is to teach him that good things happen when he's calm, relaxed and/or making pleasant noises.

I am gonna try reading to him and leaving his cage half covered. We did make a little hut for him and he spends a lot of time in/behind/under it. I have also been trying to sing or hum softly before I enter the living room (where his cage is) so that I announce myself.

I am hoping to start clicker training in a couple days, it seems like thats a good way to build trust and ill be able to capture some soft calm noises.

Thanks for the encouragement! I appreciate all the help
Hello Devin, welcome to the forum, just enjoy. This is obviously a really fine creative forum that has a super great appeal to the its common viewers, and it surely seems to all of us that this is a fun like place to have our most desired fun; anyway, atvs for sale is a neat link to visit for a loved moment while for all for a period of recreation to refresh our minds to accelerate the activities next time, good luck our beloved parrots.

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