hello everyone


New member
Jul 1, 2009
Owosso, Michigan
Skittles, a sun conure
hello, I am a single mom of 3, I have a sun conure named skittles, he is 3 yrs old. I also have two dogs, 3 cats, a beta and a black bear hamster. Busy household I know :)
My name is Nicki and I live in Owosso, Michigan.
Welcome! Me and My sis are new on here, too. She(FluffyParrot) has a Sun Conure, too! And three cats (not all in the same place lol, at our Dad's and Grandparent's)
7 dogs (two live with us, the rest are with them) Sorry I talk so much, I'm her sister and I love animals...I have two rats, and my sis also has 5 finches
Oh! And 20 Chickens! Love our zoo lol
Nice to meet you~:orange:
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lol sounds like my house :)
atleast it is never a dull moment, something always going on, and thats just with the birds ;)
Nice to meet you too.

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