Hello =D


New member
Dec 17, 2012
Hi there,

I'm Sam, I live in PA and I currently have an Orange Winged Amazon named Archie. He's had a pretty rough life, I'm at least owner number 4.. he was bounced around from home to home, and I believed one of them abused him. He is very afraid and very, very mean.

In the past year and a half that I've had him, he has made remarkable progress. He still has his days (don't we all?), but in general he's an excellent bird and I love him. I don't know how old he is, and no one else seems to know either. The only answer I've seemed to find is "very old." So I plan on giving this bird the best years of his life for however many more he has left.

Right now I'm on the hunt for a Green Winged Macaw (apparently I like birds with "special" wings, ahah). Arch had a playmate in his last home, but the owner didn't want to part with her. I think to further socialize him a new bird would be fantastic. And, of course, I want a new buddy to hang out with :D
That's awesome that you took Archie after all he went through. He deserved someone like you to care for him.
I'm curious about him being "mean"--is he still nasty to you or just still untrusting and nasty to everyone but you? Who knows what the poor guy has been through.
It would be cool for him to have another birdie friend around. Good luck.
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He can still be pretty mean to me, such as biting me for no reason. If he's really mad (sometimes just because he wants to be angry) he'll just go after you. Times like those make me glad he can't fly!

Usually, though, it's other people he doesn't like. I'm very careful when people come over and whatnot, because he's just so unpredictable.

I'll definitely get on posting some pics though!!
Welcome! You must be a great person to take such a bird. My new guy is a lil snippy too. But I love him, I can't help that... Good luck finding your next friend!

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