Heart broken


New member
Feb 15, 2012
Mina GCC, George and Mimi eckies.
A couple weeks ago I lost my male eckie named Shrek. It is so hard to not be woke up with him screaming "Mom". Today my mom bought me a new baby. He is so adorable. I'm afraid that I'm not ready. I have my female mourning also. Both my eckies were adults when I got them. How different are the babies? I am excited but still heart broken.
Awwww I'm so sorry for your loss. I thought I would never get past losing my male canary, skittle. He brought me great joy. In the morning he would wake me up to his beautiful song, and he would sing his heart out many times throughout the day. I hesitated for months, but now that I have Rio, my Senegal I am so happy to have her. She wakes me up to her clicks and whistles and a few really loud screeches when she knows I am ignoring her. But then when I finally talk to her she calms down, and peeps at me. Like 'oh hi mom.' I get up, open her cage, take her out and she wags her tail and whistles in happiness. I take her to her stand where she does her business as I get her food ready, then I put her in her other cage and feed her. I tell her see ya later and go back to bed. Zzzzzzzzzzz for a couple more hrs. I love it.

It will take time but this is a whole new experience for you. I'm sure you will bond and while the new baby will never replace the one you lost, he will help you to heal that part of your heart.
Very sorry for your loss, Page. We lost our first boy in 2010- I heard his last gasps as I was laying in bed at 11pm, and rushed out... it was heartbreaking. We have another boy now (bought within a week of Jazz dying) and he's going well. I thought caring for a baby would take our minds off not having Jazz around, and it worked to a good degree. We'd taken Jazz on a road trip from NSW to the island state of Tasmania and he'd sit on top of his cage behind me and call out to the cows "come here!". He died 2 months after we returned, from what I don't know. WE were and are a long way from nearest avian vet. Alex, the new guy, got very sick so we took hime to local small animal vet and she ended up giving us a paediatric suspension of antibiotic (for an airsac infection) for him so now we keep CCC which is a powdered antibiotic, in the fridge.
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He was bitten by a black widow. I got him to the vet in 30 minute and he passed 2 hours later. Thank you for your stories and sympathy Mike17 and SoCalWendy.
I'm so sorry for your loss, but I think that your new baby will help you heal. Good luck!
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Do you think he will help Mimi (my female). Or do you think it will antagonize her. They were not a mated pair.
Eclectus females may breed with different males out in the wild, they're not set on specific mate. Sorry to hear about your loss, but for the time being you should keep him quarantine just to be on the safe side.
So, so sorry to hear about your loss! I lost my Cockatiel Orky after raising him from a baby to 23 years old and felt awful not hearing him throughout the day. I waited about four months before looking for another parrot knowing this time I was ready for a bigger parrot with more longevity. I searched for quite a while not knowing which species but once I knew the Eclectic was a perfect match I bought Oliver a few weeks after his hatch date (when the first green feather popped out!) and he came home five months later with tons of visits in between. All I can say is he sooooooooooo added to my life. I miss my Orky and Oliver will never replace him but he sure has brought back tons of good times as I'm sure your new baby will too. And babies are such fun to take through the different stages...
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We brought my new boy home last week. His name is George. He does not trust me at all. He bites every time I feed him or change out his bird soup water. I can handle him if I use something on my hand. He will sit with me. I can not touch him while holding him. Last week he flew off every time I tried to hold him. Going to take lots of work. I can't wit until he trust me.

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