He Said His Name!!! I Swear!


New member
Mar 27, 2014
Buddy - Red Crowned Amazon (27 yo)
Venus - Solomon Island Eclectus (4 yo)
Buzz CAG (2 yo)
Sam - Cockatiel 1997 - 2004
Tweety - Budgie 1984 - 1987
Sweety - Budgie 1985 - 1986
You know that moment when your bird does or says something you've been working with them on for the first time and then they won't do it again? He's doing that right now!

Husband and I have been repeatedly saying "My name is Buzz." multiple times a day with no reply. Well whistles and his latest favorite sound "whoa". But this morning he said "Buuu" while I was saying "My name is Buzz", so now I've been saying "Buzz" and he won't do it again. I haven't told Husband yet because if Buzz won't do it again, he'll say I'm fibbing. He didn't believe me about Buzz barking like Lola until Monday when Lola was sitting next to Husband and he heard her bark from Buzz's cage, lol!!!! Husband's reaction was hilarious.
Hi that is funny, you will get another "Buzz" when you least expect it. Great going Buzz, barking like Lola, bet that was hilarious to hear?

We get one offs with Plum and you know that it will not be repeated ie last week someone said "hello gorgeous" to Plum and he repeated it but not again, once and only unfortunately.
Nigel started that way. Said his name once, twice, quiet, but now it's his favorite word! He's beginning to say more (he's only 8 mo old) my daughters name, pretty bird.... Buzz will talk his head off before you know it, so happy for you!
First words are always the best!! I can remember when I got divorced Smokey and I moved in with Mom,who was retired and by herself,and at the time I was a trucker that was on the road a few days at a time.

Mom would wheel Smokeys house into the empty bedroom at night,and cover her house with a blanky. In the morning,she'd go in and take off the cover and say to Smokes "how are you?"
One morning Mom goes in,and just as she uncovered Smokeys house,Smokes yelled out " HOW ARE YOU??!!" My Mom said she almost ++++ her pants lmbo!

From that moment,there was no stopping; Smokey on learning and saying stuff :p Yup...greys are very intelligent creatures!

That's great.

Perjo is starting to do this as well. I swear I heard "hello" muffled in with other stuff recently, she won't do it when I ask though. She started doing cat noises that I've tried to teach her, just a very faint one, that she will not repeat now that she knows I'm onto her.

I sense she's close to speaking a word or two.

It's always exciting when anticipating the next big thing they do.

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