Hawkhead Maverick - feather destruction


New member
Jul 24, 2012
Blue Front Amazon, Mopar
Hawkhead Parrot, Maverick
This week Maverick started to do what every parrot owner's nightmare is : feather destruction. :(

I have a vet appointment lined up for him Monday to rule out anything medical. This is the first time he has ever done this, and i am worried sick, as well as feel absolutely terrible and like i have failed him.

Other than the feather picking, he is still active and chatty as ever, his droppings look normal, too. I really am hoping it can be resolved, it breaks my heart.

Mopar is going through his normal molt, and Maverick appears to be, too. So maybe its a combination of irritation from molting and something else.

Sigh... Happy NEw Year, I guess!...
Oh no, keep us updated!
Have you changed anything in his surrounding, or diet maybe?
My Hawkhead Charlotte did this last year [and is starting now] . She pulled all her red and blue feathers on her chest and the green ones on her shoulders. Then awhile later she had pins and let them all grow back in . Shes starting to do it again [its been a year]. Maybe a Hawkhead thing ?
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That's what he is doing! All the chest ones, and some on his shoulder. Very interesting that Charlotte does the same thing.

I cannot pinpoint anything that has changed, other than some Christmas decorations. But those have been up for a while, so would have thought if he truly didn't like them, it would have showed up sooner? Than again, trying to understand him is like describing the color 9. ;)

So better safe than sorry, so taking him to get checked out, but maybe it's a hormonal thing. He has been rather bratty lately, too. Guess I would have thought I'd get another year before he started maturing.

Thanks for the insight! I'll be curious to see what the vet says.

Here's a photo:
Yes , this is exactly how she looked [and is on her way now]. Maybe its a time of year thing.
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Very interesting, indeed! I also hope its just a seasonal thing and will get though it.

We did go see the vet yesterday, and everything came back good. So back to figuring out what is bothering him. She seems to believe that puberty may be setting in, as well. As he has shown more aggression lately, too.

I started to cut back on the high-fat foods, and lengthening his sleep hours. Going to work on more foraging toys for him, too. Hopefully something will catch his attention and keep his mind busy on something other than his feathers.

It just sucks not being able to just ask them "what's wrong?"

He was rather amusing at the vet. He would NOT stop chattering. Kept asking "what are you dooooooing?" and "how are you?" Over and over. Then he promptly tried to viciously attack the vet. She even noted how much more vocal he has become since the last time he was there.

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