Having trouble deciding...


New member
May 18, 2011
Sushi, our femme fatale SI Ekkie

We are having trouble deciding between a CAG or a SI eclectus. The talking capablilities of a CAG I adore, but I've had a fascination with eclectus's since I was a child--they're just beautiful! I'd be able to work with the special diet requirements of both; I know how that goes! I've been raised as a vegetarian and have always been one, so tweaking food to work for diet restrictions is my specialty! We do live in an apartment--a very large one at that--so we do have neighbors. The bird would have her own room and free range of the entire apartment, but the voice of an eclectus I heard was much softer then other parrots. I think both species are just astounding in looks, so that doesn't matter all that much.

So I need help! Any facts that will give me more to decide on--preferences too would be great!

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This is an easy question to answer. NONE, if you live in an apartment, YOU HAVE NEIGHBORS and neighbors complain about noise. There is no species of parrots or bird that is a good fit for apartment dwellers. You might get a good bird that isn't very noisy, but then again, you might get one that can raise the roof.

I try to discourage anyone who lives in an apartment to get some other kind of pet like fish and try and think of the bird. I see ads on Craigslist all the time where folks who live in apartments are having to re-home their newly aquired pet bird because of complaints from their landlord. It's either the bird goes or both go.

If I were you and you didn't want to heed my advice, then I would try something with a lot less investment first like a Parakeet. The bigger the apartment the louder the echo.
Hi there,
That would be a tough choice between the two.....
Have you checked with your landlord to be sure that birds are allowed...that would be the first step....
You want to do all of your homework which you have started by coming here and asking questions...
Be sure to read all you can about both species, you will need to know their personalities, diets, moodiness and so on.
It is usually best to talk to owners of these species to get the best information.
I was told once the the female eclectus can be very difficult to deal with once they reach maturity so please make sure to check into every asspect of the species.
Going into bird ownership, you have to understand the level of commitment it takes...these beauties live a very long time and you want to provide them with a forever home....good luck with this and let us know what you decide.
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Birds are allowed--already checked with that:) And I've done my homework! Been stalking every parrot site for the past three weeks.

As for the concern about the whole apartment thing, my neighbors have no right to complain. They themselves are horribly loud, slobs and curse at their children. The landlord does not care if a giant dog walks without a leash, snapping at kids. Luckily, this apartment is short term (about 15 months) before we move back to Michigan. But when we got here there were cat feces encrusted onto our walls--it's actually a nice place just not clean or quiet people. We've managed to make it our home, and have made it very nice and bird safe. I have the time--no job, fiance is at work all day--and the want to make this apartment very hopsitable for my little featherbaby. It's actually pretty insulated and can't hear much with the windows closed. We are on a side apartment so we don't have that many neighbors & the bird's room would be the furthest away from them.

That would be such a tough decision for me!!

Both of those birds that I have interacted with were quiet, tended to observe more than interact with their human counterparts and very calm (despite being at a bird club meeting and it was chaos there).

You seem up to specs on their dietary needs - more so the Eclectus.

I've read such horror stories with African Greys. Plucking, behavioural, etc... they are too smart for their own good, so if they are not kept stimulated (ie: lots of foraging, tough toys etc...) I've read they can revert to feather destruction, mutilation & plucking.

The female Ekki I have met was calm... toooo calm for my likings.. she didn't move. Blinked maybe twice in an hour lol!! Her owner said she didn't go through the typical hormonal years as a female - which is odd.

I share your love for the Ekkies, so that would be my choice hands down :)
If you can, keep researching, and if it's possible - try to meet one or two in person and interact as much as you can with them :)
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I've interacted with an eclectus once before, and fell in love. However, my fiance has birdsat an African grey and just adores 'em! I really like the talking capabilities of the AG and would like a more active bird to spoil.
Oh geez, such a hard decision.
OK, sounds like you've answered my concerns. So my vote would be for the African Grey and since your better half has already approved of it. Then why fight it.
I live in an apartment and have 3 parrots. All my neighbors love my parrots. :) Just because someone lives in an apartment doesn't automatically out them from owning a parrot. I say go with a grey! ;)
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Oh man! This is so hard! The eclectus really seems to come from a good home--her people are very easy to interact with and negotiate with. But then again, the grey is coming from a man who used to be a breeder down in florida and knows his stuff...

We'll just have to wait and see who works out. I may be going to view them both this saturday--so I won't make my decision until then.

Thanks everyone:)
Did the Eclectus people call you back?
To me its no brainer I would choose Eclectus. I have enough screaming birds, few quiet ones works for me...lol... I love my Eclectus pair!!! They talk more then scream, screaming is a rare thing...but I've heard people having problem with screaming Eclectus though...I guess mine are well behaved...
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We're going to see the eclectus officially this saturday! Maybe even putting a deposit on her!! And then we'll pick her up on the 11th:) I've just finished constructing a play stand for her to have dinner with us and a rope ladder for her to play with:) Now just to stock the cabinets with goodies!

Anyone have a name for a female eclectus?
Does she have a name already? If you don't mind it sometimes its easier to stick with the same name. I kept my pair's names since they know their names well. We got them on March 11th....
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Her name is Scarlet right now, and it may fit. I usually like things a bit more cutesy and quirky then as elegant as Scarlet. And she'll be ours on June 11th if everything goes according to schedule:)
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Thank you! You've been such a great help!! Here's a bit more about my little lady:

-She loves doritos, peanuts, and especially mashed potatos!
-Is a flirt with men
-Her favorite country singer is Brad Paisley; even dances to him
-Will be coming home around the 11th!!!!!!
-And most importantly, will be loved dearly!
How exciting....I am very happy for you...can't wait till you get her and get more pictures. Congratulations.
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We are very excited! Going saturday and hopefully putting down a deposit if all goes well!! More pictures to follow from the visit.

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