Hate to say this, but "Go Heat!"


New member
Jan 9, 2010
McKinney, TX
Max - Alexandrine, Jade - Red-Front Macaw, Ruby - CAG
Dallas is on pace to break a 31 year old record of 42 consecutive days of 100+ degree days. We've not only hit 100F, we've been shattering it with many days at 105F - 108F. Local pools temps are at 92F, that's bath water.

I hate to do this, but I'm rooting for the heat to break the record. If we don't, then we've been suffering for nothing, right?

But seriously, if you're in this heat, be safe. It's not only miserable, it's dangerous.
Thats hard to believe. How do you cope? Its been in the low 90's here the past couple of weeks & we are all whining. :D Of course I don't have air conditioning, we really don't need it 98% of the time, our house is very shaded. Go the movies & sit in the ac in the dark, my favorite hot day activity. Keep safe.
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We're used to heat here in Texas, but this is taking it to the extreme. We usually get a couple 100+ days per week during Super Summer (July & August), but obviously this year it's gone to the extreme.
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We didn't break the record. :mad:

A line of storms came through the area today and brought a little wave of cooler (upper 80's to 90's) air. Supposedly it rained somewhere in the area, but I think that's just a vicious rumor. Back up to 103F tomorrow, but the 42 day record is safe for another year...I hope!

At least I'll be driving home with the top down today.
My mom lives in Fredericksberg, and says it was 102 at 1 AM 2 nights ago, I cant imagine lol...(spoiled Southern California guy that I am :) )
LOL Vedwed!!! I was thinking that too. We have hot days where Im at but it always cools down at night. This is the coolest summer I can remember but the rest of the states are getting hit with the nastys.

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