Hate To Leave Her


Aug 20, 2009
Hi All Some of you have heard from me before. I am a relativey new guardian for Rosie, my 5 month old grey. I live with a cat and small dog and no other flock members. Rosie is fast becoming a one person bird. The guest I have had in receive a very loud growl. With patience and a little treat some of these people are lucky enough to have her step up on their hands. I must work 3 days out of the week and really hate to leave her alone. I play the radio and give her toys to destroy from her most likely frustration of being alone. She gets lots of out of cage time when I am home. Do any of you have any other suggestions for the prevention of behavior problems and how to deal with my guilt about leaving her on these work days?? It is amazing to me how much one can love a bird.:grey:
Have you try leaving the TV on for her? I find that, that works the best for my Feather childern and I have eight different feather childern. If she hasn't started talking yet, when she does start she will repeat all the sounds and voice she hears on tv, mine does so I make sure I change the channels so she learns different things. Remember these birds usually take to one person so you need to let her sit on your shoulder or arm and give her lots of love and talk to her alot. I find these things to help alot and I leave my alone for about 4hrs a day cause I have to work and I have horses as well to work with, and as long as she has lots of toys to take out any frustration she might have you shouldn't have any behavior problems. I hope this helps.
I totally understand how you feel! I would love to be able to take Tumbala places with me but he's gonna need a LOT more training before something like that can happen. I really didn't expect to love him like I do. If you've read any of my previous posts you probably know that he was supposed to be my husbands bird. Unfortunately I'm new to this also so I don't really have any advise. I worry all the time that he's bored and lonely And I get him out as soon as I get home. He knows I'm there even though he can't see me!
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Thank you both for responding to me. I wish we could read their minds like they can ours. I too never expected to be so attached to a little winged birdie. I read that they go through the
"teenage times". It is true if you love something you need to let it fly. Thanks again.
3 days a week? that is nothing. you shouldn't feel guilty. i work 5 days a week, volunteer at a parrot rescue for 6 hours on a Sat and Sundays i may fly kites all day. but my birds get plenty of attention. i get up extra early in the am to spend time with them. when i am home, they are out. i even leave my moluccan out at night to sleep. he likes sleeping on his cage door. i am very lucky to have great behaved birds. my conure has never bitten me in the 14 years i have had her. my M2, (6 years old) i have had for about 4 months. he is a very good boy.

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