Harrison Pellets for Eckies?


New member
Jan 21, 2013
Rocky...Yellow Crown Amazon....

Smokey Congo Grey....

Shamrock Male Eclectus.......

Baby Female Congo Grey.....
Cookie.....Aztec Conure
just wondered if Eckies can have Harrison pellets, I bought some today for Smokey my grey and as I was putting them in the food bowl I had to leave a second when I came back Shamrock was eating them , their organic right so he should be able to have a small amount maybe every other day? Smokey hasn't touched any of them yet hope fully he will it might help his plucking issue
Definitely not if they are the high potency formula, ekkies have an extra long digestive tract so they absorb a lot more vitamins than other species would. The high potency is too high in vitamins and can cause health issues like toe taping. As long as you feed a balanced diet of veggies, greens, fruits, healthy grains, pellets aren't needed in fact most of the research I have done says to stay away from pellets for ekkies all together.
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ok I was reading up on harrisons food and look what I found , now I'am confused I think I will call my vet tomorrow and get his opinion just to see what he says, ok read this link
All | Harrison's Bird Foods
Harrison’s recommends eclectus be fed the High Potency formula, follow supplementation guidelines as listed on the bag and like all pets, annual veterinary visits are in order.
He can have some yes, but it should not be his main diet! I would suggest for his main diet to be fruits and veggies, plus things you cook for them! Because of the added vitamins and such, it does not do well with an eclectus!
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he will only get a Tablespoon every other day and yes he gets lots of fruit and veggies every day :) maybe later I will switch him to the pepper ones
He can have some yes, but it should not be his main diet! I would suggest for his main diet to be fruits and veggies, plus things you cook for them! Because of the added vitamins and such, it does not do well with an eclectus!

I agree with this one. Pellets should be given to eckies in moderation, and they should get more fresh foods, simply because of the "toe tap" issues.

Never use vitamin supplements with these birds if you are feeding them pelleted diets.
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I just ordered the pepper lifetime coarse for Shamrock according to everyone that's better then the high potency right? besides he loves peppers :) he will still only get a Tablespoon very other day plus his veggies and fruits

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