hard boiled eggs


New member
Dec 9, 2011
Luna- GCC, Stella- Caique
Happy Easter!

Can I feed Luna part of my hard boiled egg? Is the yolk or white better/worse for her?

Yes, she can have some. The white would be best for her. She can have some of the shell as well for extra calcium.

Happy Easter!
The shell has lots of calcium.

A couple of concerns with feeding hard boiled eggs:
1) If you are ever going to breed with the bird, it might consider the laid eggs to be food.
2) If there is ever a bird flu outbreak, the most likely reservoir for the virus would be amongst commercially farmed poultry, and farmed eggs could be a likely vector for disease transmission.
The shell has lots of calcium.

A couple of concerns with feeding hard boiled eggs:
1) If you are ever going to breed with the bird, it might consider the laid eggs to be food.
2) If there is ever a bird flu outbreak, the most likely reservoir for the virus would be amongst commercially farmed poultry, and farmed eggs could be a likely vector for disease transmission.

That is definitely worth thinking about. We haven't yet had a bird flu outbreak in the US, but it will eventually happen if the scientists are correct.

A well cooked egg without salt or other additives is a great treat for your bird.
It provides lots of protein and other nutrients. You can also use the shell (dry it out- usually bake in oven until it's very dry) to crumble over other food to add calcium to the birds diet.

Mishka loves his eggs, hard boiled
I boil the egg, break it up, with the shell
I give it to him outside during summer (or in the bath during winter)
I once gave it to him in his cage..... NEVER AGAIN
Eurg, I agree. They become stinky, fast :p

Egg white+shell are the best :)
I often scramble eggs with the shells in the blender for my amazon and then cook them really well done for him. He loves them. I have also given him egg whites.
Rosie picks out the yolk and leaves the white. I do not feed the shell any more unless the egg is from a local farm.
Remington had a hard boiled egg tonight, thanks to this post!
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Thank you everyone! We have a ton of eggs leftover since it's easter. I will see if she will eat some egg tomorrow. This is unfortunate for me because I dislike hard boiled eggs and Luna wont try anything unless she sees me eat it first. :( ick.
My cockatiel goes crazy for hard boiled eggs (the white part) I've never thought of giving him the shell though for extra calcium, that's a good idea! I would think you'd want to crush it into small pieces, so she doesn't hurt herself on the sharp edges.
Yeah we give boiled egg bits as a treat. Never had trouble with breeders eating their eggs so far. We of course keep a few chickens of our own and use our own farm eggs. I only give the shell separately after it has been thoroughly cleaned.
Yeah we give boiled egg bits as a treat. Never had trouble with breeders eating their eggs so far. We of course keep a few chickens of our own and use our own farm eggs. I only give the shell separately after it has been thoroughly cleaned.
My Finches love to peck at egg shells. They like them in as large a chunk as possible and destroy them with their little beaks. I was told to cook them to be sure they're safe. oven at 350 for 20 min. or so, or microwave a minute or 2. There's also a product called "Hatched" that's sterilized crushed eggshells and can be added to any food or served as is for extra calcium. Finches with their high metabolisms often require nutrient supplementation so finch people are aware of a lot of these products. I've put cooked shells back into scrambled eggs as well for birds.

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