Happy Hatchday Skittles!


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2014
Lewiston, Maine
Neotropical Pigeon - "Skittles" (born 3/29/10)
Cockatiel - "Peaches" (1995-2015) R.I.P.
Budgie - "Sammy"
(1989-2000) R.I.P.
Budgie - "Sandy"
(1987-1989) R.I.P.
Skittles turns 6 yrs old today! He hatched on March 29, 2010.

Happy belated hatch day to Skittles!!!
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Um, it's not belated! LOL. It's only 3a here on the 29th. He still has 21hrs left of his bday. I am hoping to take some updated pictures of him soon. His beak is smooth and shiny and has been ever since I got him that sand perch. He looks much better now.
Happy Birthday, Skittles!
Happy Hatch Day Skittles!!! Enjoy your special day, Handsome Boy!
:30:Oops my bad. I read you say it was his hatch day today and when I looked at the time of your post it read "yesterday". I'm mountain time so perhaps that played a role...anyways. I am sending a revised HAPPY HATCH DAY SKITTLES!!! I hope you get a special treat on your special day :):)
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I went to the store and got him some fresh apples, grapes and cantaloupe. People on the bus thought it was funny when I told them I peel his grapes for him and I peel and cut up his apples too. They'd probably just throw a bunch of food on the floor and say 'dig in'. Not my Skitty!

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