Happy Hatchday Milo!


New member
May 17, 2010
South Africa - Cape Town
Mustache Parakeet - Milo
CAG - Charlie
Six years old today, and what a true blessing you have been in my life. When i walk in after a long day at work and all you want is some kisses and to sit by mommy while cleaning your feathers, the long day and everything else just seems to fall away. You have been my reason for getting up every morning, even those cold and the "I dont want to face the world" days. Thank you, my boy, for all the love and meaning you bring to me, the reasons to laugh you give me and the blessing I feel in being allowed to care for you. Love you always!

HAPPY 6th HATCH DAY MILO!!! Enjoy your special day, Handsome Boy!

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