Happy Gotcha Day, Leo!


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2016
San Diego, CA
Goofy (YNA), Oscar (Goffin 'too). Foster bird Betty (RLA). RIP Cookie, 1991-2016 ('tiel), Leo (Sengal), Charlotte (scarlet macaw). Grand-birds: Liam (budgie), Donovan (lovebird), RIP Angelo (budgie)
I have no idea when his actual hatch day is, or even really how old he is (we're guessing around 9 or so), but I know for certain that today is the anniversary of when Leo came home to live with me. Who knew how much personality could be packed into such a little bird. :rainbow1:
I have no idea when his actual hatch day is, or even really how old he is (we're guessing around 9 or so), but I know for certain that today is the anniversary of when Leo came home to live with me. Who knew how much personality could be packed into such a little bird. :rainbow1:

We have faced the same reality with the Amazons who have warmed our home over the years and have likewise chosen to use their arrival date.

So very happy to hear that you have likewise enjoyed the Love that a rehomed Parrot bring to those who have welcomed them into their homes and provided a Forever Home!

Thank-You! Enjoy!
Happy Homecoming Day, Little (packed with parrotness) Leo!
Your Poicephalus cousins Robin and Griffin wish you a Happy Belated Gotcha Day Leo :)!

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