Happy Gotcha day Espresso!!~


New member
Dec 22, 2014
Tucson, AZ
Congo African Grey+
Worked closely with many species, birds with behavioral problems, and now birds of prey and other wildlife
I can't believe it is already been a year since I brought Espresso home!! She has changed my life in so many ways. We have already gone through so much together (moving to a different state, new jobs...) and I couldn't ask for a better companion to go through it all with. I can't believe the progress we have made: she went from a phobic, atrophied, little miss with stress bars all in her barbered feathers to the wonderful, snuggley, social butterfly she is today. We are going to celebrate with lots of sweet potato, car rides, and a little hike later on: all of her favorite things! :D. Here come lots of pictures!!

A week before she came home with me. Everything was scary but cold water from a water bottle was the best ever:

First step up a month after coming home with me (I had to trick her by having her climb into a box then go on the floor then swoop in and "save her" from the floor....it took a lot of time, creativity, and a heck of a lot of patience to help her get over her hand phobia)

First snuggle sesh a couple of weeks after first step up

First big adventure to the cruise ship ports...we met lots of people and saw the ocean for the first time!

Annnnd now...happy, goofy, out-and-about birdie boo!



Hes beautiful!!!
Sissy just turned two today....her gotcha day is May 16
Where has the time gone?
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Awwww yeah I saw your thread!! Happy birthday, Sissy!! I have no idea when Espresso's hatch day is and I am afraid I might never know because the place I think she was bred (Avicultural Breeding Research Center in Florida) has closed. I'm just going to pull a page out of my equestrian book and call January 1st her hatchday until I find out otherwise.

He's stunning and so are all the wonderful photos. Those first years really fly by fast.
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Thank ya both!!
Espresso does look very happy and pampered :D. Is that a Dachshund I see? I love wiener dogs :).
Happy Gotcha Day, Espresso! Those are some great pics, and I love the story of your progress with her! Nice!
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Thank you and thank you!! She is so very spoiled!! :D

Hamlet is a dachshund basset mix! Another very spoiled animal of mine hahaha
"Happy Gotcha Day", that's cute. Me thinks he's the one who says "gotcha". LOL.

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