Happy Birthday Trish (Betrisher)


New member
Jul 20, 2012
Dearest Trish, wishing you only the very best for your birthday - and always! I hope I'm not too late?? I know you are half a day ahead of me.
:smile015:HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! It's a special one for sure! :smile015:
Happy birthday. I hope you have an amazing day. Best wishes from Australia, lol. :D
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...and since I know that our beloved Trish is especially fond of these beauties.... :D

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcI44JywvgA"]Baby Owls in Bird Bath - YouTube[/ame]
Happy birthday Trish. Hope you had an amazing day with your family and the flock.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAREST TRISH! It's your birthday, but between your friendship, wise counsel, and penchant for telling the most entertaining stories, I feel as though I'm the one who has been receiving gifts. (And I know I'm not alone in that.)

So thank you, my friend, for the wonderful gift of you.
Happy birthday!!!
Oo! Thanks so much, everyone. Wendy, I love the way you can conjure up gorgeous owls at the drop of a hat. It's a blessing - thank you! :D

I've had a lovely day. The kids woke me up at parrotphart so they could give me my presents before Ellie's bus came. I received a lovely fat pillow with owls on it, a dear little Shelley porcelain pin-dish and a Royal Doulton figurine ('The Old Balloon Seller') that I've admired for many years. In addition, my dear Hunn has set me up with everything I need to get back into leather working again after quite a long gap. I've got a nice piece of kangaroo hide and an even nicer double shoulder of calf coming in the mail! Meanwhile, Hunn is refurbishing my tools for me and promises to build me a bench with a marble top for tooling. I can't tell you how excited I am! :D :D :D

As an aside, it was particularly nice to get up this morning and see that all my orchids (except for one late bloomer) are in riotous flower. That was a special pleasure for me.

On the other hand, that darned irascible old galah took offence at Ellie passing through the kitchen and flew after her. Since he was too slow to catch up with her disappearing ponytail (he HATES her red hair with a passion), he landed on my head and nearly dug his claw into my eye. I have a beaut gash through my eyebrow. Thanks heaps, Dom. I really needed that!

Since Ellie's birthday was on Tuesday just past, we'll celebrate for both of us at a local Malaysian restaurant tomorrow (Saturday) night. It'll just be the four of us plus my quilting buddy, Trish, and my high school English teacher, Sr Pat. Didja get that? Three Patricias - what are the odds?

Feeling blessed today. :) :) :)
:smile054:Happy Birthday Trish!!!:smile054:

Seems like a wonderfully enjoyable day with an extra dose of parrot realism!
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I wish you the very happiest of Birthday's, Trish! I hope your special day is perfect.

Trish, I'm so glad you had a wonderful day on your birthday surrounded by those you love...

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