Happy Anniversary RavensGryf!

Happy PF Anniversary, RavensGryf!!

With Love From Your
Parrot Forums Family!!


We Miss You,
And Hope To See You
Back Here Soon!!


Happy 11th PF Anniversary Sweet Julie!!!


My, the years just fly by, don't they?
I hope to see you on again soon, I sure miss the long chats we used to have!


Sending much love to you and your flock💜

Happy 11th Anniversary, Julie!!!
From your friends at Parrot Forums!

Hope you're doing well and that we'll

see you soon! :)
Happiest of happies, dearest RG!
I will always treasure you!
Be well, weller, wellest!
Throwing you an imaginary party... Rb is all dressed up in formal wear.
Bird about town smaller.webp
Thank you all!! Hey… I never meant to go away!! 🤣 But life happens! Don’t worry, you can never get rid of me forever my friends! ❤️ I’ll be around…

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