Happy 11th PF Anniversary, Terry57!!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Aug 29, 2018
Reaction score
Queensland, Australia
Fang ({ab}normal grey cockatiel), Valentino (budgie), Jem (cinnamon cockatiel), Lovejoy(varied lorikeet), Peach (princess parrot)
Happy 11th PF Anniversary, Terry!!
With Love From
Your Whole Forum Family!!!


With Congratulations On This Amazing Milestone, And With Thanks For All The Compassion, Encouragement And Support You Have Shown
To Both Parrots And Their Parronts
For All These Many Years!!


Awww, thank you Mart and Vampiric_Conure!
Wow, how time flies. I remember my first day as a member here. I wasn't a member of any forums, and had lurked for a few days before joining. I was a little nervous posting, but everyone was so nice that I knew I'd found the right forum. I love how that hasn't changed❤️
Happy PF anniversary to you Terry, my dear friend and honorary big sister!
11 years? Wow! I can't imagine this place without your love, support, and wisdom helping so many people and their birds!
WOW!! Happy anniversary Terry! Thank you so much for all you contribute to the forums!
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Terry a very Happy Anniversary to you. One of our treasures on this Forum, I hope you enjoy the day!
Thank you, Al, that means so much to me ❤️

A Very Happy 11th ParrotForum, Anniversary, Dear Terry!
Enjoy Your Special Day!

Thank you, dearest Steven! You are my very favourite Admiral!
Happy Anniversary Terry! This forum wouldn’t be the same without you. Thank you so much for always being there. ❤️

Awww, thank you, sweet Nyla. I want to thank you for always being there, too❤️

Happy PF anniversary to you Terry, my dear friend and honorary big sister!
11 years? Wow! I can't imagine this place without your love, support, and wisdom helping so many people and their birds!
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You are so kind, and what a wonderful little brother you are, Lem. I can't believe that we haven't known each other for all 11 years, seems like I've know you forever.
WOW!! Happy anniversary Terry! Thank you so much for all you contribute to the forums!

Thank you so much, Foxy Lady, I'm so glad that we are friends!
Happiest of happies, my angel!
Oh! Look who sopped by!
phoe xmas.webp

All my lovin'!

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