Hallo from South Africa


New member
Dec 28, 2018
Free State, South Africa
Cooks (Cookie) Cinnamon Pearl Cockatiel (captured about 3years(2015) ago as an escaped convict bit like one as well)
Hey everyone, so glad i found this forum!!! Just a little back round.
i am a first time cockatiel owner and it all was a big accident to be honest. I captured a really thin and exhausted pearl at my stable yard, being the animal lover i am, i could not leave him/her to defend for him/herself. And that is how i became a first timer.

By this you might have notice i still don't know the sex of my pearl, but lovingly i call him/her Cooks ( after james cook a sailer and explorer). :white1:

(update i was told by my mother that i had it wrong, i have cooks 3years and not a year like it felt)
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Welcome to Parrot Forums. Everyone here has been a first timer and have all gone through the many learning experiences.

Building a relationship with a Parrot is very different from near all of animals you have experience with. It will help greatly when you start from a place that they have no good reason to trust you. So, every interaction first starts with building trust: Only good things happen when Humans are around.

Enjoy and again; Welcome!
Welcome to you and Cooks! Feel free to ask any questions that you have....tons of good info here, and lots of helpful people.
LOL< great start: rescue a bird and your life will never be the same :)

I hope you will find all the answers you ever wanted.
(and more)

Join the family!
Welcome! Thanks for the rescue! Glad you found us to! Birds have a lot if special needs, they are very very sensitive to toxins, if you use medication , fly spray what not on horses make very sure your hands are clean before touching the bird!!! Also non stick and Teflon pots and pans emit gasses that will kill your bird even if it's in a different room behind a closed door , so throw them out and only use stainless steel or cast iron to cook with. Also cleaning solution and household stuff can be deadly too, so check the threads we have on that. I use dilute vinegar to clean with. Scented candle and all that stuff is bad to. No ceiling fans when the burd is out. And feed lots of veggies but no Avacado, no onion, no garlic..fruits only once or twice a week. Welcome! Read up! Birds are so sensitive to so much stuff!
I replied in your other thread. Great input so far.


You're still a hero!
Welcome welcome! I always love hearing about rescue stories. :)
Welcome, and kudos for rescuing a bird in need! A friend for life!! The forum has a large and knowledgeable cockatiel base, so feel free to ask any questions and share your experiences.
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@Laurasea He will not allow me too touch him, so i dont think dirty hands will be a problem. LOL. But i do remove his cage from my apartment when i clean or cook. He does go out for most of the day because my place is small and can get extremely hot in the summer, and i am not keen on baking poor thing.
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