Hair obsession?


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Jul 24, 2011
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Green cheek conure-Rio
I got a 3 month old GCC today that is obsessed with hiding in my hair. I will let him out and he will step up on my hand and go straight up my arm and onto my shoulder and will hide in/chew on my hair. Then his feet get stuck and I can't get him out! I tried putting my hair in a ponytail but then he sits on my head and tries to burrow into my hair. Is there anything I can do to stop this? I also tried blocking his path with my hand but he just leaps right over and continues on his way.

(Sorry for all the questions!)
Lol, I look forward to any suggestions on this one, because that is exactly how Willow (sun conure) is with me. She goes as far as to actually bite my hair ties and breaks them if I have my hair back. It sure is a pain getting them untangled isn't it? lol :)
Yes it is! Rio gets so mad when I try and get him off my shoulder/head. He will bite and screech at me until I stop lol.
Merlin has just started doing this type of thing last night... although its landing on heads/clinging to hair more than 'burrowing') . My budgie used to do it but she was so small that she just sat on my shoulder 'hidden' under my hair, no tangling involved.

I just keep removing Merlin from my head or pull him out of my hair and just set him down on the table or whatever and just keep repeating. I'm hoping he'll soon get the idea that 'no heads' means 'no heads'!

Lets face it... noione wants on of these monsters pooping in our hair.;)
You just have to keep moving him until he learns that it's not acceptable behavior.

Since Ruby started her molt in earnest, she's been very interested in preening my hair. It doesn't bother me too much so I've been letting her. She doesn't get on my head (not allowed there) and doesn't bite or nibble on my hair, really just "combs" it to make sure there aren't any tangles. It's quite a job since my hair is past my shoulder blades.
For the first week I had Bob his favorite perch was my head. For the first day or two I thought it was cute, but kind of painful due to his nails. After that I started taking him off my head and putting him on my shoulder. If he stayed on my shoulder for more than five minutes before returning to my head I would just put him back on my shoulder. If he did not wait at least five minutes I would put him on his cage and just talk to him for a while before picking him up.

I think it took a little more than a week for him to stop, but he no longer tries to sit on my head.

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