Hahns macaw experiences


New member
Jun 2, 2014
Sydney Australia
Elmo - Varied Lorikeet - I miss you every single day
What is your Hahns macaw like? Is it generally quiet or loud? If loud, is it frequently or just once or twice a day? Would you class yours as apartment friendly?
How playful and also how chilled out can your hahns be?
I have read they are known to be nippy.... But is it hard nippy and all the time? for example, do you get a good bite on a daily basis or more like once a week?
Sorry for so many questions :)
I love the hahns and have kinda avoided looking into them as really had set on a Senegal due to their quiteness factor. But recently have been advised that they can change quite a lot when they hit puberty to the point of a lot being 're homed due to it.

I would also love to hear more about them. I have only met one, and fell quite in love, but I was there to pick up a different bird and did not have the funds and had not researched them at all at that point. I am considering one some day, but not for at least 3 more years (probably a lot longer).
Senegal due to their quiteness factor. But recently have been advised that they can change quite a lot when they hit puberty to the point of a lot being 're homed due to it.

Keep in mind though... ANY species can 'change' quite a bit during puberty and has the same chances as the Senegal of getting rehomed because of it.
I would definitely NOT count out the Senegal based on this reason alone! Please reconsider :)

About bird noise at apartments... People who live in an apartment can understand some level of noise during daytime hours. After all, it's not a library! MANY people keep louder species of parrots at apartments. Rarely are there noise complaints. Mostly noise complaints would be loud parties, tv too loud in the evening... Things like that.
You'd call Budgies an appropriate apartment bird right? But they're VERY NOISY and their noise carries! Yet people have them at apartments all the time. You can tell someone who has budgies a whole building away from you! Then also, when I was in an apartment, I had a next door neighbor with a Goffin's Cockatoo. As loud as they are, and believe me they're loud, but is only hear it when passing by outside. I could hear it through the walls, but really not very much.

I think it's also the 'pitch' of the voice too, that has something to do with how much the sound carries.
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Ravens you rock! The stuff you say always makes perfect sense! Thank you so much for all of your input :)

The Hahns was my original bird of interest, after seeing them at my local bird store and the guy said they are apartment friednly as such. Then i heard about those cute lil sennies :) So no, i definitely wont rule them out hehe. They do seem truely like the perfect bird for my situation and lifestyle. Just checking out all my options so when i am ready, i will feel uber confident in the decision i make :)
Ravens you rock! The stuff you say always makes perfect sense!

Aw, so nice of you to say :). I try... I don't know if I ALWAYS make sense, sometimes people are probably thinking 'what's she saying? What does that even have to do with this thread?' LOL. keep thinking that though :D
Hi. I am owned by a little female Hahns. I have had Hahnna since about six weeks old, hand feeding her myself. She was a year old early June. I did quite a bit of research prior to getting Hahnna and I used what I read as a guide as I raised her. Hahnna in my opinion does not fit the "stereo type" of a Hahns. I have read that they can be very nippy, for Hahnna that has not rung true thus far, which could be due to a lot of handlong by many people, a lot of socialization from a young age. Many have said they are loud, but I have not found that to be the case. Hahnna is relatively quiet. She will call for me when she hears me get up in the morning and greet me with a call when I call her or when I come home from work. I read that they are very vocal and if you want to avoid their natural voice (and this is exactly what someone wrote) that you should teach them to talk. Well, not all parrots will talk, no matter how much you try with them but we have been very fortuante with Hahnna. She has a very large vocabulary and does not just mimic. She uses her words appropriately, but then again we have always word associated with her from early on. She is also extremely affectionate, independent but loves her people. She is a comedian, always making us laugh with her antics and thing she says. A other big thing is that I have read they are nit good with other birds, but again maybe we just got lucky but she is wonderful. I had to take in my 88 year old dad's Teil who by the way just turned 21 and I had a lot of concern how it would work. We have a bird roo. For Hahnna, which is basically just a small emoty room with windows, laminate flooring, and a screen door and bird proof. Since I have allergies to the powder the Teil puts off, I had to keephis cage in Hahnna's room. We havehad him now about four or five months and I am able to allow both of them out of their cages all day with no issues. Hhanna enjoys flying over to Cricket's cage and eating his seed, since she is not allowed seed. We have her on a pellet diet with fruits and veggies and nuts. She never hirts him or even attempts to,hurt him, just teases him until he moves then she eats his seed and he sits on the bottom perch with her on the top. She has also let Cricket come into her cage without an issue. I watch closely and still never allow them together unless i am around. When Cricket's cage is shut, Hahnna will clmb on it and say "what are you dojng Cricket." Sometimes too when he starts his constant whistling, Hahnna will yell "cricket, shut up,shut up, shut up." Again word association and that amazes me, because NO ONE in our house has ever to,d wither of them to shut up. She only knows shut up, because I do Yorkie rescue and their barking drives my husband crazy and he will tell the dogs to shut up, so I find it highly intelligent to be able to associate that with noise that bothers HER. She will also ask me " ya wanna go bye bye" when she sees me get ready to go to the park with the dogs. She does this because often I take her with me, she is harness trained. When the water runs, she will yell " I want a bath." I honestly cpuld go on and on, as a prioud mommy. I had a Cockatoo prior to her, who was my heart. I tried everything but my astham which I never had until my Too was getting worse and worse to the point of where I was unable to be around her anymore. It took me two years to rehome her. I never sold her (this is why I cannot understand how people sell their babies on Craigslist when they don't want them or cannot keep them". All I wanted was a lovong home for her a d to,d the people I would take her back and want her back should they ever not be able to,keep her for any reason even illness she may develop later in life. It tore my heart out, after having her eight years and I still cry over it, but what I want to say is that Hahnna as small as she is, has the traits of a big parrot and she has helped heal me. I would hoghly reccomend the Hahns to anyone that has the time to,put into their baby. The main thing is and this is what any parrot is socialization, you want to also get them use to having your hand in their cage,toys, etc from an early age so they do not get territorrial. I can even now as she is older, put my hand in her cage, in her sleepy hut and touch any of her toyswithout an issue. I hope this helps anypne thonking about a Hahns. All are different, and maybe it was luck with her, but I truly believe you get out what you put in. Elaineand Hahnna andCricket the 21 year old Cockatiel.
Please excuse the the typos that are in my post. I have a lot of issues with my eyesand do not see too well.
She sounds wonderful!
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I can't believe I never responded back to this thread I started! And esp to Buzz2537 wonderful reply! So, thank you Buzz for your extensive info 😊 I've just started 're researching birds again and came across this one..... If you are reading this Buzz..... Hows your Hannah going now? Is she still awesome and the same little girl? 😁
I have my Hahn's, Cosmo for about a month now. He's almost 4 months old now and he is nowhere near what I read about when i did my research on the Hahn's. Cosmo, is not as loud as I expected, but that could change down the road. :) I live in an upstairs apartment and the downstairs neighbors rarely hear him. Cosmo greets me in the morning with a squawk when he hears the door creak when I come home from work. And then when I wake up and he hears me he'll try to call for me. I have him in a decent size cage, 32x23x52 with lots of things to do in there. Plus I built a PVC playstand that takes up a good portion of my living room, which he spends several hours a day on. He does get a little vocal at times, usually in the afternoon but its mostly gibberish that's probably at a volume of a normal conversation. I hope this helps and good luck on your research and finding your feathered friend!

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