

New member
Dec 6, 2006
Albany, NY
Cricket -C.A.G
Ok where is the keg?

You better get him off the bad stuff while he is still young. :p
First its childrens medicine, now this when does it end... :D
I do hope thats orange juice in there Cricket. :D

Thats a brilliant pic. How long did it take him to destroy the cup.
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"Beer Pong anyone"

HAHA Thats what my mom said :p

I do hope thats orange juice in there Cricket. :D

Thats a brilliant pic. How long did it take him to destroy the cup.

Oh not long at all... he has been all about trying to steal our cups while we are drinking. Sooo we gave him his own, he was upset that was nothing to drink in it but when he figured out that the cup was fun to he had at it. :rolleyes: :D
HAHA Thats what my mom said :p

Oh not long at all... he has been all about trying to steal our cups while we are drinking. Sooo we gave him his own, he was upset that was nothing to drink in it but when he figured out that the cup was fun to he had at it. :rolleyes: :D

Try giving him an ice cream cone, sans the ice cream, but maybe with a treat in the bottom (also don't give them the chocolate variety - dangerous). I like giving Keupi the 'kiddie cup' size (squared off bottom with rounded top). I sometimes put treat in the bottom and watch the fun as he marches around with it - crunching away at the cone to get to the treat.

NOTE though - keep an eye on your fid when doing this. I did once have to rescue him when he decided to turn it into a hat...

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