guess the words?


Active member
Aug 9, 2012
Queensland, Australia
Fargo- Blue and Gold Macaw
Hello all! :)

So after the successful thread of guessing what Salsa was saying, i recorded Fargo yesterday with his newest word/phrase, he is saying it lots lately !! :p
The weirdest one is at about 7 seconds, then he says 2 little thing at about 11 seconds :)

any idea? haha :D

I have to post youtube video in a new post, because for some reason it wont embed on here :)
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[ame=]fargo guess the words - YouTube[/ame]
It sounds like hes saying Hello or Fargo at first, but the last one might be a question. Do you ask "who's/where's my boy?" or :who's/where's my guy?"
"whats outside" maybe for the first one?? haha and i agree with megan on the second one!
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i ask 'who's a good boy?' :p
hmm i dont think i have ever said whats outside :) i might ask 'whats that?' :09:
The second one sounds like "Hello, what are you doing?" or smthing like that :) No idea about the first one :D
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ahh! the second one does sound sort of like a quiet hello and then what you doing!! :)
I have no idea about the first one either :31: haha
Sounds like RAAARAAARAAA to me. :54:

Just kidding! I do think he's trying to say "Who's a good boy." :D
Wow, I don't hear any of those things people have guessed so far. I'm unsure about the first one, but the second one sounds kind of like "what's your name?" to me. Maybe I'm way off but that's how it sounds. I CAN confidently say that the second one has an upward question inflection to it, though.
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LOL- raaraaraa could be it ;)
i was just thinking- could he be trying to say hey mamaaa?
i know he can say mum, and sometimes mummy and mumma.. and he could be learning to say hey, because i greet him with a hello or hey! so.. he could be trying to join them together ? maybe.. :p

now everyone has to remember, he has an australian accent!!! :p

so plax- the second one he is asking a question? so could be whos a good boy, watcha doing, whos a pretty boy ;) LOL
I heard "hey mama, then hey baby" but first a hello with his sweet voice.
so plax- the second one he is asking a question? so could be whos a good boy, watcha doing, whos a pretty boy ;) LOL
Well, from your list the syllables he uses only seem to match "watcha doing"... and whatever it is he's saying definitely sounds like a question!
Hey, this is kind of a parrot utterance ink blot test, isn't it? ;):D

I just wanna hug his big goofy parrot head! lol

I could never own a macaw, my partner is VERY afraid of them.
I think at one stage he definitely says hello. Then there is some garble in the middle and then the last thing is DEFINITIVELY a question LOL
When he says the thing in the middle he almost sounds like he is laughing LOL
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hahaha :D he is a cutie

awww my family is afraid of him, but that doesn't matter! ;) as long as you aren't afraid thats all that matters hehe

i love at the end how he goes- araraaaaraa- O-RA! in a high pitch :p

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