GTA area ontario


New member
Sep 12, 2016
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Indy - cockatiel
We going to be moving back home at some point (in the USA now) and we are looking at getting a CAG after we get settled back home.

Just wondering if anyone knows if Rick Axelson is still working at Links Road Veterinary, their website isn't agreeing with my phone and I don't know anyone personally back home who uses their clinic to ask if he is. (and if he isnt then does anyone have a good recommendation? i know Dr Axelson because he did the exotics presentations when I was in college, he also came highly recommended by my professor then (I had lovebirds and my then avian vet retired) )

Thanks guys :)
I know nothing of the matter, but I just googled the site and it lists Rick Axelson on the "Team" page so I am guessing that he is still there. :)
Call the Vet Clinic and simply ask if he is there and if not, where.

that would be possible if i wasn't currently living in the USA with some very limited minutes to Canada to keep in contact with my mom LOL international long distance charges are no joke.
I know nothing of the matter, but I just googled the site and it lists Rick Axelson on the "Team" page so I am guessing that he is still there. :)

thanks :) i'm going to assume he is still there too then, they generally have always kept their webpage up to date :)
I took my GCC there just yesterday for his check up. Rick Axelson is indeed still there; he was the one taking care of us. :)

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