grrr biting nut


New member
Jan 13, 2011
well i am off to work very soon, thought i'd share this lastest saga in *the taming of the nut!

basically i was setting up her cage, with goodies an hiding food etc, when nut landed on my shoulder....

wham! nip to ear, oww nut!:11:
and not sooner had i oww-ed, she bites my face, TWICE! oww an oww you rat bird!:eek:

i had to knock her off my shoulder, she landed over her cage, and i shoo her off so she perched on the sofa.....

i finish off setting her cage up, in the mean time she is on the sofa, puffin up, eyes pinning, shaking her feathers all puffed up:mad:

so i give her the head rub signal, an no sooner had i done that, she de-puffs an looks all ready for head rub! so i am rubbing her head while she is on the sofa (normally she flies to top of curtain rail or door where i cannot get her)
so i thought i'd ask her to step up, something i don't do often, as she still tries removing my fingers (she'll step up for my man etc)

she stepped up, and as i went to put her into her cage, she refused to step down, but stayed on my hand??
so the head rub continued, and then she started pumping, as if to throw up, eyes pinning, beak chattering.....:D:10:

now i just remembered, the last time she bit my face was when i was in uniform, i'd like to think i handled the situation without bad feelings, and like to think its because she does not want me to leave,

she is now in her cage, and i am off to work sporting some rather nice red marks to my left cheek:mad:

i never realised how much the challenging behaviour training i had to attend for work, has come in usefull for living with nut! lol:D
Oh Subee... Oh nutster!!

Sounds like some one knew you were leaving her and she was not happy about it! this is also prime bite time for me also.... its scares me HOW clever these little rat bags can be!!!!! x
If she refuses to step down you should definitely not give her a head rub. You are reinforcing the fact that she is not going into her cage. You basically rewarded her. I would give her the head rub after you get her into the cage. Or, if she is puffing up on the couch, wait for her to depuff on her own and become calm, and then give her a head rub. Always give her the head rub or treat when she has done something good. Eventually she will realize that bad behavior will not get her anything.
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i under stand what your sayin honey, but if i was to put her into her cage an leave, i think she's have remembered the feelin of, hummm i'm soo gonna get you back for abandoning me!!!

it was a shock as she has not bit me for a long time, the last time being me in uniform about to go to work lol

lol ellsie, yup definately over intelligent little rats lol just home now and she is cool towards me, but mans home too

lol mike its always a shock, and i think i shocked her as i had to knock her off rather firmly, as she was really going for it this time, pll at work are wondering why she isn't in a bacon coat! lol
Bad Nut. She knew you were leaving & you were to be punished!! lol Merlin talks sweetly to me to let him out when I get home. As soon as he's clear of the cage, he punishes his servant for leaving him.
I can only say LMAO, im sorry about the biting, but you dont know how lucky you are.
I really want a bird, and I know it sounds odd, but You are lucky you have a bird to be miffed at for biting you. And you are such good people for putting up with your birds personalities and moods.
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Bad Nut. She knew you were leaving & you were to be punished!! lol Merlin talks sweetly to me to let him out when I get home. As soon as he's clear of the cage, he punishes his servant for leaving him.

yup mean birdies lol bless her she was all loving when i was home as if nothing happened grrr (only cos tea was being dished out!!) :32:

lol xrain :) once you get a bird, you will be amazed at what you think is normal an how patient you become :11:;):D
I work at a shelter, what noone knows that a shelter setting is where they dump all their unwanted animals, animals that are abused and neglected or have never been handled.
To work with unsocialized animals that can take your fingers off is... well, normal for me now. take every day in stride, nothing really surprises me anymore, from the bunny with overgrown teeth, to dogs that have been set on fire, I am useto being snapped at and clawed. though it never fails to anger me when animals come in that are in bad condition.

hair balls and biting has always been normal for me. Ive got a scared finger to prove it, and the officer to this day dosent know witch of my dogs bit me, so he couldent take him to get quarantined. he was unhappy about it, but when I finally said I did it to myself, he stopped bugging me, besides, there isnt much anyone can do if your in a village.

but still, it sounds so cute! I want a bird so bad. The more I think about it, the more I step back and find myself waiting... for what, I dont know, but Ive been waiting for a good 8 years now.
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aww xrein, i could never really work in your setting as i'll be hunting down the idiots that caused the pain!

well todays been a turn of events, i am not reading too much into it, but nut flew onto my shoulder, an ignored my man?? and i took a nap, an when i woke, i did the head scratch signal (she was on curtain pole) and she flew over to me for one! normally she just bows etc where she is an expects me to go to her??
ok she did slink down the sofa an took my middle toe hostage
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She is very sorry. She won't do it again. NOT She will do it again when she deems it necessary. lol

fully agreed lol today its been all about peas! i brought peas in the pod for tea, so while de-podding the peas she sat on my shoulder, i gave her a pod, an she snatched it an threw it! flew down an helped herself to a pea from the bowl of de-podded peas! :32: i feel like her minion at times lol :D

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