Greetings Everyone


New member
May 8, 2015
Lexington, KY
DYA named George
Hey everyone! I recently adopted a beautiful 15-18 year old (not 100% certain of his age) DYA named George. I have been actively looking for another feathered friend for about 2 years now, and was pleasantly surprised to be offered George out of the blue via a friend of a friend.

His previous owner took in an OWA and he became temperamental if not jealous, and ultimately unhappy. She was thoughtful enough to realize what is best for him. I brought him home 2 days ago now, and he seems to be adjusting reasonably well. I have been able to give him almonds, pasta, and such from my hand. However, I am not rushing to pet him.

He came with a Cal Cage, but I believe it is only suitable for sleeping. Approximately 24x20x24. I am saving for a Kings Cage now. I purchased him several more perches of varying material, and several more toys yesterday. He seems to have taken to them and explores them with little fear.
This is my first amazon, and I am confident with time and kindness he will become a loving family member.

If anyone happens to have any information regarding a website that has this particular cage for sale at any sort of discount, please let me know. King's Cages - Avian and Pet Bird Cages, Supplies, Food, Toys, Perches, Aviaries, Pluck No More

Luke & George

PS- how do I upload pictures?
An amazon "became tempermental" coincidentally, it's breeding season...

Hmmmm... :D

At the moment, I've got one waddling around the house making nests, and I've got another one who is actively courting me...

This time of year, tempermental behaviors fall within normal limits. Doesn't mean there's anything at all wrong with the bird. These are hormonally driven behaviors.

My amazons are both in 40x30 playtops...
Hello and welcome to you and George!
You live not too far from my sister (She's in E-town:)
Looking forward to seeing those pictures!
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I was aware of the temperament associated with the breeding season. I was just wary he hated me. He has spent the last 2 days actively trying to attack me.
Terry, I know all about E-Town, I was stationed at Ft. Knox.

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