Hello, first let me introduce myself... my family used to raise birds, from parakeets and cockatiels to ringnecks, pheasants, chickens, and others... Any how after being away from birds for several years I decided that I really missed my two pets and amazon and a mustache parakeet. Im on an unusual business trip for over 2 months in Asia and lots of time to read the net... Anyhow Im seriously considering getting a bird again, specifically an Eclectus.
There is so much more known about these birds now then there was back when. I never knew parrots needed 12 hours of sleep, my amazon was in the living room and when he got tired, he turned his head around and slept... He had a cage with a play pen right next to it. He was never locked in his cage unless he was a "bad bird" and always free to sit on his door, or on top of the cage or on his play pen. The mustache keet was kept in a cage becuase he would fly around the house and get in trouble. I hope to have an Ecy free from being locked up all the time, but am ready to keep it safe if need be.
I am rather surprised by the cage requirement for such a small bird, and then I read about putting the bird in a bedtime cage in a dark bathroom, this makes perfect sense, but I have not really seen what size cage it can be, or if it can just be a pearch in the room... I think I need to get a large cage, but hope to really not need a cage as I leave for work at 5am, my GF gets home at 8 am and shes usually leaves for work at 10pm (past the birds bed time) so someone is usually home all the time except a few hours in the morning... Id rather get a large play pen for the bird but Im asking because I want your opinions.
Also, I had aviaries at my house in Southern California and in the high desert where it could get below freezing. The birds thrived in open environment(we had half protected aviaries where they could get out of the sun/wind) I now live in the high desert and wonder about building an aviary for more tropical birds such as eclectus. Has anyone kept a small flock outside in weather from 20s to 110?
I have not seen anything mentioned about keeping 2 ecys together in one cage... any reason not to?
There is so much more known about these birds now then there was back when. I never knew parrots needed 12 hours of sleep, my amazon was in the living room and when he got tired, he turned his head around and slept... He had a cage with a play pen right next to it. He was never locked in his cage unless he was a "bad bird" and always free to sit on his door, or on top of the cage or on his play pen. The mustache keet was kept in a cage becuase he would fly around the house and get in trouble. I hope to have an Ecy free from being locked up all the time, but am ready to keep it safe if need be.
I am rather surprised by the cage requirement for such a small bird, and then I read about putting the bird in a bedtime cage in a dark bathroom, this makes perfect sense, but I have not really seen what size cage it can be, or if it can just be a pearch in the room... I think I need to get a large cage, but hope to really not need a cage as I leave for work at 5am, my GF gets home at 8 am and shes usually leaves for work at 10pm (past the birds bed time) so someone is usually home all the time except a few hours in the morning... Id rather get a large play pen for the bird but Im asking because I want your opinions.
Also, I had aviaries at my house in Southern California and in the high desert where it could get below freezing. The birds thrived in open environment(we had half protected aviaries where they could get out of the sun/wind) I now live in the high desert and wonder about building an aviary for more tropical birds such as eclectus. Has anyone kept a small flock outside in weather from 20s to 110?
I have not seen anything mentioned about keeping 2 ecys together in one cage... any reason not to?