green cheek conure


New member
Mar 12, 2014
I just got a green cheek conure 3 days ago and am wondering if you can give me some tips on training her to go in her area and make sure she doesnt poop on me? She has done really good so far but i hate having to take her back to her cage every 10 minutes to see if she has to poop. So far she has only pooped in her cage and twice on her playgym which is on top of her cage. Thank you!
Hi and welcome!

I really advise not reward training birds to poop on command. It's not healthy for them - there's a reason they poop ever 10 minutes or so. Could you imagine being told to withhold all bodily functions until someone said okay? You'd feel so sick and uncomfortable! Try thinking about it that way, and then it makes sense why we have to accommodate them.

Eventually, through voice and simple timing and placement, your bird will recognize what are "safe" zones. Avery knows she shouldn't poop on us based on our reactions (saying, "ewww", frantically saying, "no, no, no!" And placing my hand under her cloaca to stop her and immediately moving her, etc.), and if she can she will hop off and go on a towel. She also knows towels and cage = safe zones. Just be patient and respect that your bird NEEDS to go that often, and simply encourage her where it's okay to go.
I had trained Dusty to tell me when he has to go. At first it started with me watching his body language so that I had the best idea of when he had to go. He shifts on his feet before he squats and goes.

When training him, i started with having him out of his cage for 10-15 min increments and then back in to do his business. once he went I would take him back out. He got used to this so I extended the increments he was out and while watching his body language would put him back near the time he had to go.

No Dusty will give me a small "Nip" or he will give a specific chirp to tell me he has to go. (i still put him back in between him telling me) For the most part he only goes on his cage and playstand. He does have accidents outside his cage and I dont reprimand that behavior because he has to go when he has to go and I'll be honest and tell you that I dont always catch those periods when he has to go. I am just happy with having most of his poo inside his cage versus on my carpets :)
I got this for Kiwi and plop her on it every 10 minutes or so and say "Poop". I wrap it with paper towels so all I have to do is remove the paper every few days, as it starts looking really gross.

[ame=] The Percher Portable Training Bird Perch: Pet Supplies[/ame]

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