Greater Vasa or a Cape??


New member
Dec 11, 2011
Bastrop, TX
Quincy-Sun Conure
OK...i have been wrestling with the decision to buy either a Vasa or a cape....hoping to get others opinions ....that is from folks that own one or the other.

I am leaning toward a Cape but love the Vasa and it's peculiarilties. ( I have a feeling i might need to work OT and get both!)

important for us is mild temperment, no bonding to one over the other, get along with my Quincy (sun conure), affection, cuddliness, and speaking ability ( wifes concern).

Thanks for your thoughts, opinions,

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i only have a sene, i did read this thread but couldn't really comment
You probably won't run into a lot of people who have both except maybe some specialized breeder.

I can't speak to Vasa parrots as I don't have one and didn't really do much research on them.

I do have a Cape however.
I've had her for a few months now and from what I can see now, she's developed no particular excessive bonding to either my SO or myself and will readily come see either of us.
I do have a few smaller birds as well, my smaller Poicephalus parrots would be about the size of a Sun Conure, but so far I haven't let her out at the same time as them, as they come out at the same time as my Lovebird and the size difference between my Lovebird and Cape makes me too uncomfortable to tempt anything. As well, birds getting along with other birds is really dependent on individuals so it's hard to make such a generalization.

She's quite affectionate, likes her cuddle time (but it has to be her choice, nothing forced) and has said a few words so far but is more into making random noise. While Capes have a reputation of being fairly good talkers, this is again an individual thing and not all individuals in the a species will choose to talk.
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Thanks so much for the response......I think we have talked ourselves into both birds!!! We are on some lists for both and will see what happens, right now i am building a play gym and setting up the new (HUGE) cage we just bought. I guess the wealings are my surrogates for a real baby!! LOL!

"Passing" the time so to speak by reading up on what we can on behavior and conditioning so we can be as educated as possible for their arrival!

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