Grass parrot comapany maybe


New member
Aug 8, 2013
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NSW Australia
Red Rump grass parrots & tame white budgie with blue saddle name flapper
Hi, Can anyone tell me what would get on with Red Rump Grass parrots in a 4ft by 4ft square aviary please? I have been told they are cranky breeders
I use to have a tame red rump when I was younger which I loved he was awesome so I was wanting to keep them & breed so that I can hand raise some babies to make some other girl very happy with such a nice pet but I am starting to realise with my research that grass parrot are more 'one to cage' sort of breeding parrot so I am a bit lost as to what to do next....

:green2: thanks
I don't have any experience in breeding grass parakeets so I can't help you there. My only advice is to understand the process first before diving head first. :)
still wanting help with knowing what aussie parrot will live together while breeding??? please
I believe Bourke Parrots go well with Grass Parrots, however not sure about when breeding. In an aviary that size they would live fine. Kakarikis, Rosellas and Princess Parrots also can work well with Grass Parrots, however once again, not sure about with breeding. If you are going to breed them then two Grass Parrots is the way to go. We have an aviary at work with 7 Grass Parrots in it and they all live fine together.
I've heard that the red rumps are the most aggressive little Australian parakeets that are commonly kept, so may not do well in a mixed flock kind of setting.

However, the Neophema grass keets and bourkes are generally not very aggressive birds, thus do well in mixed flock settings.

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