I made the drive up to a very nice bird shop today in SoFlo who are known for their Goldens. All the good things Ive heard about them are so true! They were obviously beautiful, but the nicest little guys Ive ever met. There were about 8 of them there, 2 in each cage and they literally were jumping on eachother competing for scritches! I got to spend some time with one of the babies who is fresh off formula and he was such a little character. Ive heard someone say they sort of have the personality of a conure and macaw and I think thats a pretty good description. He loved being held and layed on my hand begging for more. Ive been thinking about what bird I would get once I am able to expand and I think these little guys sealed the deal. I also met an adult with his beautiful adult plumage and was just as sweet, layed in my hands and wanted nothing but endless scritches! I also got to hang out with a baby B&G who was beautiful as well.. he was asking to step up as soon as I said Hi to him. Both of them loved the attention and the B&G was just learning to step up and balance himself. He had a blast on my arm and so did I! I couldve spent all day playing with all of them! They had a bunch of Vinaceous Amazons as well, first time I saw one in person. It was a great day, saw a beautiful female eclectus, bunch of greys, hawheaded parrots, caiques, green cheeks and dusky, yellow napes and toos. A couple others I cant remember. One of the U2s was jealous the baby Catalina macaw had my attention and came over and tapped on my back to get some scritches. I wish I was able to bring one of them home, but space and budget are tight right now. The time will come soon enough! I wish I got some pictures but I was too wrapped up in spending time with all of them.