Got A Little History On Buddy


New member
Mar 27, 2014
Buddy - Red Crowned Amazon (27 yo)
Venus - Solomon Island Eclectus (4 yo)
Buzz CAG (2 yo)
Sam - Cockatiel 1997 - 2004
Tweety - Budgie 1984 - 1987
Sweety - Budgie 1985 - 1986
Today we got some history on Buddy and part of it had us laughing. We took Buddy in after both of his owners had passed in mid March of this year. The primary owner is a cousin by marriage, but she grew up with my Dad. He and my cousin, Rita, went to school together, got n trouble together, and in highschool we laugh about Rita badgering my Dad to introduce her to his cousin, who she ended up marrying. She and the cousin divorced in the 90s and remarried.

My Dad told me he had seen Buddy before when they would visit Rita, but after the divorce, they didn't see as much of each other. Then Rita had a stroke and became bed ridden and slowly declined. Buddy was HER bird and apparently once she declined and started spending more time in hospitals and long term care centers, Buddy spent more time alone, isolated, basically starved for love. Poor Baby.

My Dad shared more about things he had seen and heard Buddy do like sounds, words, etc. The best part that had us cracking up is Rita named Buddy, after my Dad who is called Buddy and apparently it was done as a joke because Buddy is loud and mouthy. I kept asking if he was sure and he said yeah she had told him shortly after getting him and from stories I've heard she was a joker so we learned more and laughed at my Dad. Great Sunday.
Awww, I love Buddy. He just looks and sounds like a nice, gentle, down to earth bird. Always nice to know a little more about the birds we share our homes with:) Glad you got some background on him.
That is wonderful that you were able to find out some of Buddy's history. How awesome that he was named after your Dad! Sounds like y'all had a fantastic day yesterday:)

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