Good bye to my Feathered Baby 😔


Jul 7, 2022
Quaker parrot
I had to lay my precious Archie to rest on Saturday. He was only 5 years old. He was fine then he started the rapid breathing. He was gone before I could do anything. I’m in total shock and I blame myself for not helping him in time. I don’t know what happened 😭 I just know I’m a total wreck 😥


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Oh no! I’m so sorry for your loss!

Please don’t blame yourself, it’s torture to dwell on the ‘what if’ I’d done this or that, but, in the end, I’m sure your Archie bird knew he was loved, and that’s what matters.

Losing a bird is never easy, and maybe, in time, you’ll be able to open your heart to a new feathered friend.

Getting a necropsy done would be a good idea, to give you peace of mind or a reason for your babies sudden passing.
I had to lay my precious Archie to rest on Saturday. He was only 5 years old. He was fine then he started the rapid breathing. He was gone before I could do anything. I’m in total shock and I blame myself for not helping him in time. I don’t know what happened 😭 I just know I’m a total wreck 😥
I am so sorry for your loss.
I offer my condolences to you on Archies passing. Sometimes, they just ...........go. I had the same thing happen to my little Max 9 years ago. He was fine in the Am and then poof ! Gone in an instant, with no warning. The cause can be maybe found out by doing a necropsy, but the body has to have been refrigerated (not frozen) almost immediately and those are NOT cheap. Archie no doubt knew how much you loved him, so you can take heart to that. Remember the good times you had with him, and forget the bites and screaming over the years, it will hurt less with time.

I donate to Cornell Univ's vet program twice a year and I make it in the name of all the ParrotForums babys that have passed in the interim. The donation is directed to be used for Parrot related studies and programs. Archies's name will be included.
I am so sorry for your loss. I had a very similar thing happen to my green cheek conure a few years back, never found out what caused it as we couldn't afford a necropsy. Birds hide their illnesses very well, usually they hide it until it's too late, so please don't blame yourself. Sometimes these things happen, and although heartbreaking, it's not your fault. I'm sure you had taken amazing care of him and gave him a loving home and great life. Wishing you the best and sending all my love your way!
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I offer my condolences to you on Archies passing. Sometimes, they just ...........go. I had the same thing happen to my little Max 9 years ago. He was fine in the Am and then poof ! Gone in an instant, with no warning. The cause can be maybe found out by doing a necropsy, but the body has to have been refrigerated (not frozen) almost immediately and those are NOT cheap. Archie no doubt knew how much you loved him, so you can take heart to that. Remember the good times you had with him, and forget the bites and screaming over the years, it will hurt less with time.

I donate to Cornell Univ's vet program twice a year and I make it in the name of all the ParrotForums babys that have passed in the interim. The donation is directed to be used for Parrot related studies and programs. Archies's name will be included.
Thank you for this. It helps to know I’m behaving normal 😥
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I am so sorry for your loss. I had a very similar thing happen to my green cheek conure a few years back, never found out what caused it as we couldn't afford a necropsy. Birds hide their illnesses very well, usually they hide it until it's too late, so please don't blame yourself. Sometimes these things happen, and although heartbreaking, it's not your fault. I'm sure you had taken amazing care of him and gave him a loving home and great life. Wishing you the best and sending all my love your way!
Thank you.
I'm so sorry for your loss of beautiful Archie. I've also had birds pass suddenly and felt the same way that you do - that I must have missed something. Sometimes they pass with no warning at all, and I believe that they would not want us to blame ourselves.

It's obvious how much Archie was loved, and I hope that someday you will feel up to sharing that love with another bird. Another bird can never replace the one we lost, but I believe it is a tribute to the love we had for them that we're willing to do it again.

My heart goes out to you.

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